Is this sexual harassment?


Active member
May 11, 2008
Ok, so this kid at work said he like the way this girls body moves in the water.. I think it is. Is it?
if the girl is made uncomfortable by any of this guys actions, then it could be considered - if it's just words, then not really. But, if she says to you it makes her uncomfortable, then report it. He is just speaking his mind, for now.
no its not
if he touch that girl when the girl doesnt want him to the its sexual harrassment
he he just say it then no
unless he touches her without her approval it is not sexual harrassment. as weird as his comment is it was just an opinion.
If he said that to the girl in a work enviorment and she told him to stop saying it and he kept saying it - it would be sexual harassment.
Only if his opinion is causing her harm. Like if he said it to her In an offensive way.
Jesus H. Christ, are you a virgin or something? Go to a strip club please, and grow up you big baby.
No he's just expressing his opinion. If he was touching a girls sexual part, and the girl felt slightly harassed. Then with putting both those words together, it would be Sexual harassment :)
If you think that is harassment of any kind your a wimpy crybaby who needs to grow up.
Sorry for being so blunt but its people like you who are whats wrong with the world.
What was this girl doing "moving in water" at work? Did he say it to you or to her? What sort of vocal inflection did he use? How good is her lawyer?