Is this sexual harassment?

no. it isn't. it's an opinion. now. if he slaps her ass, or touched her body when she didn't give consent, that's sexual harassment.
Not sexual harassment. Especially if the woman has a job requiring her to be in water like a diver, swimmer, swim coach, or physical therapist.
This guy made his thought loud. He liked the girl's body.

Think about it, if you see a guy thats do push ups and you say: "i like how he moves his body while doing push ups" is that a sexual harassment? Ofcourse not it is your opinion on that guy's body.

Read this, you will be enlighten of what sexual harassment is
If that is all he said that doesn't qualify for sexual harassment. It sounds more like a guy appreciating the form of an attractive girl, which in all honesty is just a natural response. We are all human and our sexual nature to appreciate beauty in an appropriate manner should not be grounds for sexual harassment, hey lighten up a bit don't be too uptight about the fun stuff. I love watching guys who are in good shape doing bench presses!
it is not. he was just stating his opinion. a slightly sketchy one, but it's his opinion.
Nopeee, not unless he forces her to do something she doesn't want to, or touches her inappropriately.

Answer mine? It's short.:
Let me tell you a story. A long time ago, I worked at a clothing store. Another emloyee and I were talking about religion, god specifically. I am an atheist and she's a theist. She was telling me about a couple of miracles that had happened to her and I truely believed she had an experience. There was no arguing between the two of us, it was a great conversation, punctuated by mutual respect of each other's beleifes...

Two days later both of us were written up for harrasement. Neither of us had a problem with the other, but a third employee overheard our conversation and didn't like it and reported us.

The fact is, if you don't like it, it canbe considered harrasement. So yes, if what that kid said offends you, it's harrasement. Comments like the kid's is of a sexual nature and, like religion, should not be discussed at work. And yes, despite what anyone else here says, it is harrasment. Go ask your HR department if you want proof.

@nigel you are completely wrong. That kid's comment can and would be sexual harrasment. Go here:

"For example, it is illegal to harass a woman by making offensive comments about women in general."
Well it is a little creepy but no. If he said that to her all the time and loudly, or likewise to other people, it could be. Also, if he touches her inappropriately.