Mini cigars vs cigarettes?


Jun 6, 2008
Hi just a quick question,

do mini cigars when inhaled (Filtered ones) contain less dangerous chemicals than cigarettes? reason i ask is because i belive most quality mini cigars are made from various offcuts of tobacco leaves used to make the quality cigars.

This should mean that there are less added chemicals or am i rong? because also the wrapper is a leaf instead of the paper on cigarettes that contain chems to stop them drying out and help them burn slower?.

Now no replys saying Dont smoke its bad for you im already quite aware of this and dont need to hear it again.

Thank you.
I am a former smoker, the mini cigars really aren't all that much safer than regular cigarettes, while regular cigarettes do have more added chemicals. Mini cigars may be more "natural" but the nicotine is still there. I never smoked mini cigars as I didnt care for the taste, the added chemicals to regular cigarettes basically make them palatable to many smokers. Just my input.