Why do college grads who earn minimum wage whine when minimum is a fortune in


Jul 3, 2008
some countries? Boo hoo hoo.....I went to college and took out loans and now I am earning seven dollars an hour...boo hoo hoo.....who cares? Did you know that in many countries people would love to earn seven dollars an hour? Look at Afghanistan or Somalia or Niger or places like that. What a bunch of spoiled brats. Put down the picket signs and appreciate the fact that you're earning far more money than millions of people around the globe! You wouldn't see Ethiopians complaining if they got paid seven dollars an hour, so why do you?
Well, let's say not minimum wage, but a little above, like 10-12 dollars per hour. Some grads are taking temp jobs and other types that pay hourly.
What an ignorant rant! PAY people more for the hard work that they do! It's people like you, that makes this country so screwed up! Food prices and everything else is going up up up, and people's paychecks are remaining the same, stagnant pfft!
America is highly overrated, also our prices are a lot more jacked up. It's almost impossible to live on minimum wage. Plus most of graduates still owe back those loans, putting them in debt. Why would you want to waste your time on education that would do you no good? That's a stupid question.
While i mostly agree with you as recently ive heard people say they are "above" working retail or fast food while simultaneously whining about how being broke sucks, college is a business and screws people over just like any other business. I'd be a little pissed off too if i'd been tricked into dropping 30g's on a piece of paper that didnt get me anywhere as promised.
If I could live on $28 a month I would move to Pakistan and work. like it costs a fortune to survive in America compared to Somalia or Ethiopia. low wages in a high cost of living country is the definityio n of poverty.
That would ba a sound argument... if we lived in those countries. But since each country/region/town has a factor called Cost of Living. $7 an hour which is a fortune in Thailand or Pakistan for example is not enough to live on in the UK or in Germany. See the difference? Salaries are based on regional data not by sectional comparison.
Seriously! You should listen to what you are saying sometime. I bet you live at home with your parents and don't have any expenses to pay. There is no way $7 an hour is a livable independent wage.
In Australia the minimum wage is $15 an hour and the first $6000 of income is tax free. I'd include the USA in with all the other third world nations if the minimum wage is $7. Definitely not the land of the free.
The USA can do better...
It is not the absolute value of your wages that matter when you are using services it is only relevant when you are goods. It is your wages compared to the wages of other people that determine how much services you can consume. That is how many hours of your time does it take to buy and hour of time of doctors waiters, maids, bus drivers, etc.