
  1. T

    Why do college grads who earn minimum wage whine when minimum is a fortune in

    some countries? Boo hoo hoo.....I went to college and took out loans and now I am earning seven dollars an hoo hoo.....who cares? Did you know that in many countries people would love to earn seven dollars an hour? Look at Afghanistan or Somalia or Niger or places like that. What a...
  2. B

    Will Obama start chatting about the number of college grads that can't find jobs?

    People with college degrees should up at our local Steak and Shake looking for jobs. Nurses can't get jobs. Community college grads can't even get jobs. There are NO JOBS here. But will Obama say so? will he tell us what the plans are for getting jobs for the college grads? or will he just offer...
  3. K

    What is the common trend of science grads in the United States ?

    After undergraduate study , do B.Eng or B.S. people prefer to join jobs or go for grad school immediately ? Do they prefer MS-PhD or MBA ?