"Americans" Just a stupid rant on views of Americans?


May 31, 2008
Seriously this is so random......

Why do so many people have a bad view of Americans as a group of people?

First I know this doesn't apply to everyone but I want to hear everyone's views.
Here are some positives to the US.
America is home to the largest diversity groups on the planet. You can say that they are mean to immigrants but what country isn't to outsiders or those who are different to the cultural norms? We have freedom of speech, religion, and several other things that other counties do not have. We have a wealthy (and unstable) economic system.

Bad things
America is run by politicians. You could say that we vote for them but 1. they never do what they say they are going to do and 2. I feel like when we vote it's like saying, "which person will be a little bit better out of these horrible choices."
We "invade" other countries and stick our noses into other countries business ex: Egypt and yet some people think that was good. So what would you do in our situation?
We kicked out the natives and I feel like we never made up for that.
Our school education system is going down the toilet
Corporations have taken over EVERYTHING

Some stupid things I hear are that Americans are arrogant, selfish, self-centered, ect. ect.
Arrogant (Having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.) What you can say about America we are a super power, we have greater tolerances to things than other countries ,we do have technological advances other countries do not have.
This does not make us better than any other countries, they are just positives like any other country could list.
Selfish(devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one's own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others.) Who comes in when other countries have natural disasters like in Japan? Given the number of programs we develop to help other countries you would think that we wouldn't get so much of that considering we don't see any of the other countries helping out when we do and then when we do help out we get all of the bullshit saying we are melding in something we should stay out of.

Most Americans people see in other countries are rich high class families so are probably going to see that snootiness many rich people posses. Don't forget about the middle class who make up most of America.

I don't know, I know I have a good life here, but I feel like moving to another country. When I meet foreign exchange students, they seem more pleasant to be around. I feel like by not having as much, you realize whats really important in life. Plus, I love learning about other cultures. (any other Americans feel this way?)

I just want to leave with the comment that you shouldn't judge a nation as a whole when there are so many different individuals in it.
You pretty much cover all the bases in your thesis here.

Good job.

I have lived more than 20 years in other countries, currently Peru (now have dual US/Peru citizenship). What I have seen in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Nicaragua is that the USA as a nation has a somewhat bad reputation due to the reasons mentioned above.

However, most people in all those countries really like Americans on a personal level - as long as they aren't loud, arrogant, and pushy - and bend over backwards to be helpful when you are in their countries.
I only hear negative rants about Americans online (funny, that - seems to be a running theme - I only hear bad things about EVERYBODY online - especially on Yahoo Answers in THIS section).
dude get over it, were american they hate us. but they also hate russians right now and the people who hate us are the people who hated the british the mongols the ottoman empire egypt rome greece and jesus. when youre #1 you get hated, next its going to be the chinese but be happy while youre still #1.