I found my son listening to "Highway to hell" by AC/DC?

I'm scared. I hope he's not a satinist should I introduce him to christian rock and all that cool music? I love to blast that stuff loud in my car I'm sure he'll like it too right? Btw I hate AC/DC so much. They're satinists. Explain the song highway to hell. Why would they write a song like that and why did nobody say anything about it?
This type of music is naturally liked because after all before Jesus saved mankind, we were all on the highway to hell, make no mistake. The song shows the utter depravity of the human heart and how hostile it is towards God without His son Jesus Christ.
Dude its just a song. If i listen a song about unicorns dosent mean i start believing and worshipping unicorns.

And btw, satanist dont worship satan. You would know that if you actually did some reaserch
songs about hell and things in life and relationships and whatnot are not bad music, we are all God's children after all, and it's great to express our thoughts and feelings and what we have been through, the ups and downs. It's not good to shelter yourself from everything like that, we are here to listen to each other and love each other. I don't think ACDC sings that song to be satinists, just to sing about life. It's all okay.
I am a firm believer in Christ and i love AC/DC especially Highway to hell, let there be rock, and for those about to rock. The song is about there lifestyle which i don't agree with but it's still a good song. Basically the band members are saying they are on a path to destruction.
God bless you!!!
calm down, your son is exploring and tasting different music, i suggest you do introduce him to that music
First off, if this is a serious question then you have every right to be worried.
I grew up on that music, but I also know what it does to a mind. People put blame on Rap Music for a good reason. It used to devalue women and promote killing, drugs and just breaking the Law. You know music has an impact on a persons life, look at the children who model themselves after their role models such as the old rappers who would promote such type of music. Children wearing gold chains around their necks and pants around their waste as well as their hats turned up and to the side. Various types of music play roles in each persons life.

People who have a weaker mind than some will fall into this trap because they have yet to discover who they are, so they take on an image they have heard of in their favorite songs. It is very unhealthy.

It can and will be mocked and made fun of to dispute this, but without doubt it is the case.
It is all in the up bringing of the child and what the parent will allow the child to be exposed to.

Our society has created for itself a Fashion that we live by and we are now afraid to train our child in the correct manor for fear that our child will rebel.

So we give in trying to be the politically correct parent instead of just being the parent and doing what is correct for that child.