I found my son listening to "Highway to hell" by AC/DC?

i know where your coming from just take him aside and enplane to him lovingly calmly telling him why you do not agree with that particular band
The problem with trolling as a fundamentalist is that it really is possible to tell. Like, yeah, that's what they talk like.
I remember back in the day they were saying Journey was devil music. But in this case the only way to handle it is to stone him to death. All you need is a bunch of stones and someone without sin to throw the first one.
The Jews/Satanist own the media! Do you think they are going to warn you about, harmful effects to your soul? No they want to see you in hell! Google and read: Racist Marxist Israel by American Jew Jack Bernstein it is fairly short and will give you a great insight on whats really going on!