Is it a coincidence that the state with highest teen drop-out rate happens to be a


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Republican state (Arizona)? Is this what the Republican politicians want so they have more minimum wage burger flippers?

Arizona dropout rate worst in U.S.

Once again, Arizona's high school dropout rate is the worst in the nation, though this time we share last place with Louisiana.

For the fourth year in a row, Arizona ranks last among the states for its percentage of teens, ages 16 to 19, who have dropped out of school. The findings, based on 2003 census data, are in the annual Kids Count report released today by the Annie E. Casey Foundation in Baltimore.

Arizona's dropout rate is 12 percent, compared with 8 percent nationally. New Jersey, North Dakota and Wisconsin, at 4 percent, share top billing.

The good news is Arizona's rate has improved. In 1998, 17 percent of teens didn't graduate, double the national average at the time.

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Illegals, honey.

Hispanics had a 17% drop out rate in 2009.
I am sorry. What is your point? You think those kids dropping out are Republicans? LOL