Atheists, how can you ignore various bible prophecies that came true why...


New member
Aug 13, 2011
...are you still atheists? With everything going on in the world, Earth quakes, famines, droughts, various bible prophecies that have come true. How can you just ignore all this and still be an atheist?
I have my own prophecy and it proves there are no gods. I say that in the next 10 years there'll be a major earthquake!

Now when such earthquake arrives, will you become an atheist because my prophecy came true?
What's always been going down on Earth. Quakes, famines, droughts, various "prophecies" that some idiot claims are "coming true".
There are earthquakes, famines and droughts every year.

They are.........NATURAL PROCESSES......not caused by a magic man in the sky, sorry
At some points in the next few days you, Tom Allen, will eat some food, drink some water and spend some time asleep. If these prophecies come true you will surely have to abandon your Christian faith and begin worshipping me as god, how else could I have made such accurate predictions?
Give me the page numbers so I can see your evidence.

I'm atheist because there is no evidence of a god that i've seen.

Sure you'll think i'm too ignorant and blind to see it but i'd say the same about you.

How about we just let the other believe what they want.
Probably for the same reason that you ignonre various scientific discoveries that prove your god to be a myth.
Earthquakes, famines and droughts have been around longer than religion. Saying they will happen in the future is not prophecy; it's stating the obvious.
It's easy to make generalized statements. Can you provide specific prophecies that came true? No? I thought as much.
Prophesying something that is guaranteed to happen does not require supernatural foresight.
I could say "I predict an earthquake in New Zealand tomorrow" and I'd be right. Because there's 2000 a day.
Did you know all those things have happened multiple times in history in the last few millennia that humans have been around? And yet we're still here? Jesus sure is taking his sweet time getting here, he must have lost that checklist of vague guesses he considers prophecies.
If you make a thousand prophecies in a single book some are bound to come true(especially as vauge as they are), but you seem to be ignoring the fact that most of the bibles prophecies didn't/haven't come true.
man why are you loosing time with loosers ? at the end it will not make any differences at all, let them be the children they are, the fools they are, they do not want about God at all, they like to play and look in the miror 1000 times a day.