Why are so many atheists interested in the topic of religion and spirituality?


New member
Aug 9, 2011
It's not a bad thing and I understand that religion can mix with legislation if left unchecked but I still can't help but wonder if there's a greater reason why so many atheists hang around forums like this.
To offer a different perspective. There are a lot of young kids on here who seem genuinely scared that they are gonna "burn in hell" for feeling natural feelings that we all feel. We don't all bash christians or try to convert people. Some of us just like to offer a different opinion than you would typically get from a christian.

Also it's good for a yuk every now and again :p
Because a lot of people always seem to direct questions at us (like you) and I'm here to answer them. I'm also interested in other religions (a lot of my friends are religious so I'm also kinda trying to understand them, you see). And debating is fun, so why not?
I used to be the same way. I would hang out with my friends and we would make fun of christians who would come by and try to preach to us. I would try to make them stumble in their faith by bringing up clever arguments against the bible and against God. Funny thing is, one day I was asking some tough questions to a christian girl who could not answer. She directed me to one of her friends who was more knowledgeable. The friend couldn't answer me either. I really thought I was clever. The friend of her's directed me to talk to their minister. I really liked the idea of making a minister stumble. Actually he totally schooled me, and I found out that day, that all my "clever" questions actually do have logical answers. I went to their church so, I could learn more. I eventually surrendered to the Holy Spirit, who at the time was POUNDING at the door of my heart. I've been a christian ever since then. (14 years).

My point is, God puts us where we need to be. When you hear the knocking at your door, it is your responsibility to let Him in. Some people here already know that they are being called. I am here to tell you, that you will not be disappointed. I had no idea God could make Himself so real to me.
Because there are no atheists. God says in his Word that everyone believes in him, and it's foolish to say they don't. They are worried that they are wrong, because they are, and come here to make fun of christians which comforts them. Their real goal is a secular humanist theocracy, and they claim christians want one, which is not true. Many atheists also think they are former christians, but there is no such thing. One previous poster even thinks that they still call them the "dark ages!" I think knowledge of the world brings you closer to God, not farther away. You are fooling yourself if you think you are smarter because you don't believe in God.
Atheists = lack of belief in God
Theist = belief in God

How are those unrelated?

And I don't know about you but I'm here to move society forward and out of the Bronze Age everyone keeps insisting we stay in. We'd probably have flying cars right now if more people would just accept reality and wake up from La-La Land.

I might also add, that the fact that I know more about Christianity than most Christians gives me automatic access to be here. Most Christians don't read the Bible and prefer to use heuristic methods of knowledge-seeking (aka diddly squat).
Because we're the experts on religion. Look it up--research shows that the groups most knowledgeable about all religions are the Jews and the atheists.
Some atheist on here think they are fighting ignorance by being on here sharing their views.
Most, aren't interested in the topic of religion and spirituality at all, but they tend to be, rather negative people, don't have anything better to do because of it, and they just want to be antagonistic.
It comforts the people with spiritual beliefs, on the whole and in the long run. As long as so many atheists offer absolutely nothing that is really productive in any way, people who are looking for answers how to solve life's problems will have to look to the places that are really offering any solution at all, and at least have intent to do so. Its very much why, throughout the entire recorded history of mankind, atheism, is one of the least popular views, ever. Pretty much, the only people, in the entire world, and throughout history, who really care what the atheists think, are the relatively, rather few, atheists themselves. They are pretty much one of the most ignored, and least of impact, distinction of people, that have ever existed. They are much likened to a mere brief loud mouthed thunder clap in the night, that would want to argue to hide the morning's rising light and heat, of the sun. Atheists, sometimes, offer something to society. It is much more rarely, their atheism, than anything else, that proves to be the contribution. Atheism, is basically, a bunch of useless and well ignored, noise
Im not really an atheist but I don't believe in the God of the Bible.
I love the subject, it is very interesting and covers almost every aspect of life.
I like to add my thoughts and introduce sometimes obscure knowledge.

Everard had some really good points:

1. *drink*
2. Cos we can.
3. For teh LuLz.
4. A-theism is NOT a religion but it IS a valid religious position.
5. Who else would answer all the questions aimed at atheists?
6. Coming here, always makes me feel smarter-saner than I really am.
7. Kid, if you and your people didn't go to such extraordinary lengths to try to convince me and my people that all that imaginary little space chappie stuff wasn't any more than primitive superstition, you and your people would probably never hear from me and my people.
8. AND, cheap points are nothing to scoff at, huh?
9. The cats banned us from their section... cos we aren't cats(get it?).
10. I'm thinking... hang on a mo'.
11. I find religion totally fascinating…
12. I find the followers even more so.
13. AND their leaders… well no one does boolshit quite like Benny and the gang.
14. Religion permeates all of our lives whether we like it or not.
15. Oh, and how about ‘know thy enemy’?
Edited 4 seconds ago
They are searching-possibly for God.

God not only loves, but He is Love itself.
The Author of Love.
He made each of us-from Love.

Pray for them-that they see the Light of Love.
My degree is in medieval history. You can't study that period without studying religion, as the Western and Eastern Churches, along with the spread of Islam, were such strong influences on everything. I've seen religion at its best and worst studying history.