This annoy me but...Why do guys that are interested in me ALL wants to go to drink.?


New member
Mar 25, 2011
I like drink and having a good time with friends but seriously I like a guy that I can hang out with not just drink away.

Am I giving off a wrong image? For example, the other day I was just talking to my classmate (he is alot older) anyways I mention I used to hang out with some classmates in Nevada (helping out with school project) and this guy couldn't stop offering me drink invitation.

Am I strange for finding classmates (who I see daily/weekly) a no no in term of dating. I used to hang out with one guy in my major and after I told I wasn't interested I got the silent treatment from my other classmates and it just feels like they I was easy or whore...What the heck?
I mostly wear jean and t-shirt. I barely talk to anyone and just focus on school. However, I am nice and friendly. Maybe that is the problem! I had one guy told me he had a gf and I was offering to help hold something for him. He was really embarrassed when he found out that I just a nice person and then always acted very nice and friendly afterward (I felt really bad that he would think I am like that).