Are the Tea Party Republicans just another incarnation of the Know-Nothing Party...

The idea that you have to be educated or experienced in order to hold a political office is crap. What we really need are people who have good morals and enough raw intellect to know what they are doing. The Know-Nothings failed because their party was split over Slavery.
...that Lincoln so detested? The Know nothing or American Party was very similar to this years bunch of Electees. Most are not as experienced or as educated as what most Americans are used to electing in their Senators and House members. These people are very similar in tone and rhetoric to the Know-nothings. Read a little about them if you are not already familiar with them and tell me what the differences are? The Know nothings were a BIG FAIL. I wonder if history will repeat itself with this possible new crew of Know-Nothings?
The idea that you have to be educated or experienced in order to hold a political office is crap. What we really need are people who have good morals and enough raw intellect to know what they are doing. The Know-Nothings failed because their party was split over Slavery.
The Know Nothings: aka the anti-immigration party. Notice how I didn't say ILLEGAL. They wanted to keep almost EVERYONE out.
And yes I see the resemblance.
And you are saying in essence that the Democrats are the All Knowing party that f**ks the American Public every chance it gets! Typical Liberal ideology!
The bar you must climb over to be elected has been lowered over the last several years. Pretty soon you will have to be a limbo artist to be able to go below it.
You guys bitch, bitch, bitch The republicans are too corrupt then a group splits away to (try) to bring fiscal responsibility back and end corruption and you cant stop slamming them. Face it YOU'RE the party of intolerance and hate.

William F. Buckley Jr. once said that he would rather be governed by the first 100 names in the Boston phone directory than by the entire faculty of Harvard University.

It's a thinker, but I have faith you'll get it.
What's the difference? Anything that brings attention to the sorry state of politics in this country is bound to have some positive effect.
What's the difference? Anything that brings attention to the sorry state of politics in this country is bound to have some positive effect.
Creating a monster that robbed the party of total victory...nice move conservatives.
Well, so far the 'knowledgeable and elite' politicians haven't gotten it done either, and have actually made things worse. I would think Lincoln would probably detest those current in power than the ones about to become in power.
I have heard of them before. Harry S, Truman said some Republicans should be taken out and shot.
Hey wait! Queen Bee Pelosi declared the tea party movement "astroturf" and quick to disappear about a year and a half ago, remember? Now you're acknowledging that this nothing movement has sent people to the Senate and House. Congratulations, your therapy is making progress!
People in the tea party run the entire gamut from intelligent, to uneducated, just like any other group of people in any political movement. Basically, I think the tea party activists have good intentions, but they do need to pull away from the partisanship and address politicians equally from BOTH parties who aren't acting in the best interest of the U.S. citizens. My biggest problem with the tea party hasn't been their fiscal message, it's that they are too partisan, to the point of never addressing problems that the Republican party are responsible for, or policies that the GOP promotes and/or protects that harm us and job creation here in the U.S., and yes, they have plenty.
The more the tea party shows that they're serious about the message they want to appear to be sending to Washington, the more support they'll find themselves receiving from BOTH sides...republicans and democrats. I think the appearance of bias and partisanship is what gains them so much criticism, and makes those of us who normally might stand with them to not do so. Yes, it gives the rest of us the impression that they are "brainwashed" to promote a GOP agenda, rather than act in the best interest of the ENTIRE people of the U.S.
Let's see the tea party be strong, and also send a clear message to the GOP that they are not patsy's...pawns to be USED by the GOP simply to "stick it" to democrats. Demand that the GOP also start acting in the best interest of the people, and let them know in no uncertain terms that if they take advantage of the tea party members, and DON'T act in the best interest of the people of the U.S., they, too, will incur their wrath every bit as hard as they gave it to the democrats. Neither the republicans nor the democrats are innocent when it comes to the problems this country has right now, so the tea party really needs to show that they are NOT just pawns to be used by the GOP...but that they are sending out a message equally to every one of our alleged representatives. An "R" next to a politician's name should not give them a free pass from criticism, if the tea party members have honest intentions. The tea party will be much stronger if they start showing less partisanship, and welcome Democrats into their fold and show the same sort of support for the good ideas that Democrats have that they show for their Republican counterparts. If they do so, then they will also have many more Democrats standing at their side demanding that Washington clean up it's act.
You have given ZERO examples, and quite a juvenile explanation for your opinion.

Read up on Lenin's USEFUL might learn something.