Is it true that most women lose their sex drive, right after getting married ?

it might have taken my wife a couple of years, but it definitely went down
not true in the slightest. what really happens is that the men stop "courting" her, and it's the whole "courting" (the romance, the compliments, the appreciation for all the little things, etc) that keeps her wanting to have sex with him in the first place!
No way here!...My case..hubby lost his sex drive and he tells me that all I think about is sex and that I need to get a hobby because he can't keep up and that I should leave him alone!Its the man in my case that who lost interest.
Nope, not true. Usually takes a few years. Sometimes having kids, medical problems, boredom and/or menapause will trigger the loss of drive.
It's not true. What usually happens is that she is so overloaded with school, a full-time job, full-time housework, errands, etc. If her husband is helpful and supportive, that works wonders. On the other hand, if he demands a home cooked meal while he reads the newspaper or watches TV and then after eating, he goes back to enjoying his time off work.....then you can see the problems that can arise. She is just worn out and tired and not feeling too romantic.
Not on Yahoo Answers- ALL OF THESE married women are costume wearing, threesoming, nymphomaniacs...that's the way THEY ALL describe themselves, anyway!LMAO!!!Read all the answers above me- Its HILARIOUS!!!!
I don't know who started this rumor, but DAMN let me put it to a REST. I have been married for 21 years and am still enjoying sex as much as ever. Maybe it's not the Same intensity as when you first get married, but you just have to be creative.
No not if her husband treats her right in and out of the bedroom.. my wife wants it now more than she did 20 years ago but i treat her the way she wants to be treated, we have grown in to one..
No, we really get tired of the lack of effort you men decide to put into lovemaking. You all get lazy and think that we get in the mood automatically and at your convenience. Then you all go from hour sessions to 15 minutes, we are usually left out of all benefits, therefore we would rather just do it ourselves and save time, effort, energy and the frustration of dealing with you all.
Is it true that most men become lazy and listless just after getting married?Sex is a two way street, and the woman who does lose her desire for sex often does so because she no longer receives the kind of attention she did before marriage.Look at both people to find the answer and it will be different for each two that you choose.Question after question of "do women...?", "do men...?" We are all so different that none of them can be answered, unless you are speaking of something totally physically related and basic such as whether women also have two arms and legs, you will never get an accurate answer. It will always be "Some do, some don't" but the better questions is "Why do some women lose their sex drive after marriage?"The answer is usually sitting in a recliner, drinking a bear, farting and scratching something that needs a shower between his legs.Gentle thoughts...