Is McCain going to win the presidency?

  • Thread starter iknowalilbitboutdat
  • Start date


I believe he will unless the democrats unite around both Clinton and Obama, whether an Obama-Clinton ticket or a Clinton-Obama ticket. If Clinton wins the nomination I will vote for her regardless of the VP. (It is certainly likely to be Obama since she has already indicated as much.) But if Obama wins the nomination I will vote for him ONLY IF Clinton is the VP. In fact, if Obama is the nominee and does not offer the VP to Clinton, all his talk about being the great uniter will be shown to be a scam and outright lie. If he did this he would not be the great uniter but the great divider. On the other hand, if he does offer the VP to Clinton, he will be shown to be a class guy who can rise above all the nasty politics, and above all the mindless hate directed toward Clinton by many of his backers. The first step to making good on his promise of being a true uniter, if he does end up winning the nomination, is reaching across the aisle and offering the VP to Senator Clinton.
McCains' pastor said things much worse than Wright...This will hit the media.. He wont win
McCain will win the Presidency because he occupies the political center in America, and because he is a man of character and honor. It will have nothing to do with this little Democratic scrum, which will all be ironed out and forgotten by mid-Summer.
No.His record can't stand examination, and he has long standing behavioral problems (besides his drinking). He won't win. He was selected as the Republican sacrifice.Snipergate has ended Hillary's political chances, which were never as good as she had imagined.
If he does, we'll all have to start building bomb shelters like they did in the 1950's because the man is an old loose cannon and has to business running a foreign policy.
If the Democrats run either a Clinton-Obama ticket or a Obama-Clinton ticket you can bet on the VP getting to finish out the term...
I am a Republican but I do not see him win. He is for the war and for that reason alone, he will not win.
RCP Average03/13 - 03/25-44.646.16.0McCain +1.5Rasmussen Tracking03/22 - 03/251700 LV41518McCain +10.0Gallup Tracking03/20 - 03/254433 RV44465McCain +2.0FOX News03/18 - 03/19900 RV434413McCain +1.0
No. The Democrats will eventually unite once everybody realizes that McCain will be another Bush.