Is McCain going to win the presidency?

  • Thread starter iknowalilbitboutdat
  • Start date
Yep and the Democrats don't want to hear that each the Obama supporters and Hillary supporters if they don't get their way they are going to burn down the party and make it easy for McCain.
McCain will not offer the VP spot to Clinton.Maybe Lieberman, put probably Romney. He needs conservatives to come out in big numbers for him. And ya, he'll probably win
The best man will win. It is getting to look very much like McCain is the best man for the Presidency in 2008
He won't if the Iraqis don't put a lid on the Mehdi Army breaking the cease fire. He has gambled his presidency on the war... and if the war becomes front page news again he can not back off about his comments that the Surge is working... and if it looks like we are back at square 1 with 2005 violence stats in Iraq then he is cooked.If the election were today then I would say yes... but there are many political lifetimes in 8 months.
I think he will, but something tells me that the democratic nominee has a huge advantage (no thanks to Bush). Sans the recent endorsement from our current president, I don't think Obama would stand a chance.How is a black man, with an odd name like Barack, the middle name of Hussein, and a last name that rhymes with Osama, who has most people undecided between him being a muslim or a member of a church with a radical pastor, and has only been in the senate for what? 2 yrs? going to beat John McCain, the senator who's voted against more of Bush's bills than just about any of his republican colleagues, spent more time in congress than at least 90% of the incumbents, and was a POW?The math doesn't add up, as I said before, without Bush, until you're smart enough to realize that Obama, like Bush, is nothing but all talk and no show (seriously, Hillary beats the helll out him in debates if you're not a sucker for his charming speeches). However, I do have a hunch that like Bush, Obama, a candidate who came out of nowhere, has something up his sleeve, like bush did with young conservative christians and gov. Jeb in Florida. (Obama would be Illinois and young soft hearted college students).As for Hillary, well she's pretty popular here in PA so i could see her defeating McCain, maybe in Ohio as well, where she slapped Obama in the face, but I think McCain will definatly carry both states over him.
McCain will be our next president. Hillary (based on the Bosnia landing snafu) is retiring from politics, and planing to become a writer of fantasy books. Her first one will be tittled "Hillary Potty and the Magic Snipers"She is expected to make million$.