Why is OBAMA on VACATION while we're having a HOUSING CRISIS?


Mar 10, 2008
You'd THINK he would want to tell us how he wants to fix the problem if he's president. People are foolish to vote for this fraud.
He personally can't do anything in his role as candidate or senator to deal with the housing crisis.
Because he needs a vacation. All three Presidential candidates took time off this Easter weekend. I'm sure that it is much less time than the current President takes off.
Hillary is the only fraud in the Presidential race. Would you rather have Hillary lying (excuse me I me Misspeaking) about fixing the Housing crises. And why should a government official fix the housing crises. The private sector will correct itself with out government intervention. Liberal.http://www.washingtontimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080325/NATION/443473646/1001
Right. Good Presidents NEVER take vacations.Someone tell Bush to stop vacationing at his ranch while we are at war. He must be a fraud too right ?
He knows he can't win in Pennsylvania so why bother campaigning.
Because he can. He's probably recharging his batteries and figuring out ways he can lie out of all this stuff coming out about him. That man is rich he don't care about the housing crisis.
Whats your question?we have a sitting commander-in-chief that vacations while there is a war....he extends deployment times for men and women in combat, while taking a break from the rigors of being president.We have a congress that does the exact same thing...
Snake oil salesman comes to mind everytime I hear him speak...my internal B.S. meter pegs...lol...I vote he stays in the Virgin Islands...
Are we having a housing crisis? Last I checked the value of houses had been totally inflated....that caused nothing to sell. But because of supply and demand, the price of homes have been brought back down to where they should be. Bump in the road, that works itself out. Too bad the Internet generation has 0 patience....didn't you see the report from yesterday - February had a 3% increase in home sales.
He only think about himself & his church. He has no answers for us, the peons, especially if white. I am sure he is down there suffering under The Man, or something, as he will tell us when he gets back. Or, he is looking for offshore people to pay into his campaign fund...
His scheming Campaign Organisers know just how damaging it would be for pictures of him entering his "church" on Sunday to emerge, hence his swift exit abroad. It can't last forever and I, for one will be joyous when I see the pics of him entering the "church" where Rev. Wright preached for decades. hehe.
Probably to preserve his sanity, and protect his family.But he must know it's only going to get uglier. He's dealing with Hillary.
So wait a second, guy takes a vacation on EASTER WEEKEND, to spend some time with hsi family and you crucify him?Guy doesn't take off Easter to spend with his family and you crucify him for not being family oriented. Meanwhile Hillary speaking out of both sides of her mouth to the country about her Bosnia trip and McCain is still trying to figure out the difference between a Sunni and a Shiite.
I haven't heard him say HOW he is going to change anything, he just keeps saying he is going to change
Why on earth would you think the President can "fix" the normal market action of deleveraging and price adjusting from a boom? This happens in markets over and over throughout history. King Canute wasn't able to hold back the tide either.
Because he can.He obviously doesn't care that there are lots of Americans who have no home anymore or are about to lose the only one they have.Must be nice.
The last thing Obama wants is for his 'fixes' to get out for public consumption. It would show the vacuum behind the facade.
Well, in several debates Senator Obama has laid out plans to help fix this housing crisis. While still running for office Senator Obama has no authority over what the president does, he can't veto bills yet. Furthermore, he has been working really, really, really hard on the campaign trail and I believe he deserves a break. --Ellie!