Why is OBAMA on VACATION while we're having a HOUSING CRISIS?

Don't you wish all the Democrats could go for a nice long permanent vacationWouldn't it be a better world if all the Democrats went on vacationThanks Obam,a for going on vacationthe rest of us need a permanent vacation from you and HillaryWould you please go on vacation too Hillary
The same reason that President Bush goes on vacation, even though we are fighting a war. Or Dick Cheney goes hunting and shoots his buddy.Did you know that President Bush has taken more vacation time then any other president in history?
The housing crisis is not a new issue it is something that has been going on since the housing industry began keeping records.People over spend their means and it catches up with them. We went through this in the 80's bank closures and foreclosures. Where was the government then, that's whats wrong with America now everybody thinks the government ought to bail them out because they can't manage theirselves.
Once again, Yahoo shows me that there's such a thing as a stupid question. Just what do you think Obama's (or Clinton's or McCain's) ideas on how to "fix" the housing crisis would do for the economy while Bonzo is still in the oval office? Do you think Obama should be more accountable than the current, acting "President" who got us into this mess? The only answer to your question I can come up with is: I can see no reason why he shouldn't be on vacation.
Your question is very revealing. Instead of worrying about his vacation, you should consider getting a bit more education.