am i spoiled????



do you think I am? I have 2 coach bags, 2 iPod nano's, a razr, another camera phone, we just ordered a laptop, we have a two story house and I have 4 we will be trading in and getting hummer or an escalade, a new dell desktop, my mom takes me shopping like every week and I go to like Abercombie, Aero, AE, hollister, I have my own digitaly camera...and it is a nice one cuz it was like 200$, I get pretty much everything I ask for, but Im not stuck up and I have respect for the things I have! I go to a private school, and I get pretty good grades ( A's and B's), we live in a nice neighborhood, I have 2 hair straighteners, 2 curling irons, we go to atleast 1 store every day.there was only one time that i didnt respect one was a pair of converse and they had got all dusty cuz i didnt wear them for like 3 months so i didnt wear them again so my mom bought me a new pair. And I wont wear hand me downs or things from twice as nice or goodwill...ew. so am i spoiledwell to the 2nd guy who answer...I only live with my mom..cuz they r i dont do chores...but sometimes i have to like pick up dog poop..
Let me guess. Both of your parents work and don't spend any time with you and buy you things instead. Yes, you're spoiled. But, most kids are these days.
No, you're not spoiled.Just a little full of yourself hunny.mal ♥
You are not spoiled, you appreciate what you have and you can build upon your extra privileges to contribute something unique to the world around you. It is not your fault if you have a lot of possessions or none. If you have a lot of things, you can be the same kind giving person any nice poor person would be if he/she won the lotto hypothetically. You are the same you with or without what you were born into, that's my belief.
maybe youre rich or its your parents way of telling them they love you. thrift shopping is amazing :D i do it every month!! it saves money. you just wash what you get.
You MIGHT be spoiled. I'm not sure. But you are definately shallow.If all you want to do on YA is talk about your possessions. I hope you learn someday that there is more to being a person than what you have. It's about who you are and what you DO.
uhm ...yeah babe. dang. why wuld u need all that stuff? ur just getting it becuz u can. u dont need 4 cars or 2 ipods. thats ridiculous. and as far as stuff from thrift stores go, sometimes the stuff in there is actually pretty cool, not at all ew. i can understand having a lot of money and wanting to spend it on nice things, but u r really going too far with it.
Yes you are spoiled and your parents are not doing any favors by allowing you all of these things. If you purchased all or even some of these things on your own that would be a different story but having is all handed to you is not necessarily a great thing. I wouldn't say it is all your fault, but that of your parents. Maybe you should get a part time job or volunteer. Don't do it for the money but do it to learn a work ethic. You might have to work one day and will need experience. My sister-in-law is 33 years old. She can't even pay one bill on her own and she is having to live with her parents and is treated like a child. I know you don't want to wind up like her. Learn from her mistake.