am i spoiled????

i think you are a little spoiled.... actually just well taken care of. but as long as you respect what you get and not trash it and excpect it to be replaced for free, i think you are doing well. if your parents have money to give you your hearts desires and want to do so, thats awesome. as long as you don't make other people feel bad because you have a lot.
i do gome with wealthy and not spoiled, also if you brag about your stuff you're prob spoiled. but i ahve about the same stuff, but no private school, and one less car...but im not spoiled...
Hell yes you're spoiled. My daughter will never have such a "need" for material things like you do. Over my dead body. Keep up with the good grades, but stop giving things you own so much worth. It's ridiculous.
yes i think you arei have a lot of those things (but less of each one) but i pay for at least 75% of my stuff. every except food. hahado you do chores?
spoilled is a state of mind just because you have nice things doesnt mean your spoiled. I would say a spoilled person is someone who complains when things dont go their way or you get extremely upset if you didnt get what you asked for. So if your not like that then I dont think your spoiled but if you do act that way then you might want to change your attitude>
You sound like me. Rich and basically getting everything I want. I also get good grades but I don't go to a private school. So, we are rich and we take advantage of that...but we're not really spoiled.
i would only call you spoiled if you acted like it. just as long as you have respect for other people and use your manners, and help your mom out around the house and stuff, i wouldn't call you spoiled, just rich. and im totally jealous! :)just be nice, and thankful for what you have.
um rich, yes! spoiled maybe just a tad. But as long as you respect the things you get and are thankful for them then thats ok. I cant stand it when rich people are disrespectful and just buy on impulse and by stuff that they dont even need and then they like wear it once and it sits in the back of there closet. A lot of ppl work hard to afford nice things and they are happy for that, but if you just have stuff handed to you without any work, then thats spoiled. i dont want to hurt your feelings, but you asked. but to me, as long as your thankful for the things you get, then your really not that spoiled
You aren't spoiled because a lot of people live in two story houses, my friends digital camera was $400, I used to shop at AE and a&f but not anymore because I don't like that stuff anymore, it depends how much those cars were, the most we've had was 2, but one was a mercedes that was $80,000. I have my own desktop and bought my own $800 laptop a few weeks ago. I have a razr, I go shopping every week, I get everything I ask for, I have $3,000 of my own money, I live in a decent neighborhood. Just remember, I am a daughter of a single mom, who struggles to pay bills like a normal person.So, no. I don't think you're spoiled, Especially if you have both parents. And I'm 14.
i dont think so... that sounds like me... but i already hav a (PINK) laptop ; ) i dont wear hand me downs either... they've already been worn... ew! but i really dont think that ur spoiled like, i hav everythin and mor that was on ur list... HOPE I HELPED!!!
you are spoiled but hey if your parents can afford it more power to them. i think most parents wish they could give their kids half as much as your parents do. at least you are grateful. that is the important thing. maybe sometimes when you go shopping you can get things for less fortunate kids instead of yourself. i don't think there is anything wrong with being spoiled. the problem comes when people feel entitled and proud and you don't seem like that so i think you're fine. :)
hell yea you are because you get all the stuff that every one would want!! ~
hmmmm I wouldn't call you spoiled...Lets just say your more well off than most people. ALOT more well off. :]
Yes! So either you are the only child or your parents never spend time with you and try to buy your love. I'm sorry my brother is spoiled and it bugs me. People like you can make me laugh I'm sorry but you do. Everything i got i have to work for and that is for Whatever i want!!! Just think about it does your parents really spend time with you??? You can never buy love!
nope I have like 6 coach bags I wouldn't wear a hand me down I have expensive parfumes and shoes but why do you have 2 ipods and 2 phoness unless one of the ipods iss lets a say 2nd generation and you got the 3rd one like 2 yrs afterr for like christmas I se that just sell it or donate it to someone in need a lot of people say I am spolied buti don't think soo oh yeah and my housee is 3 stories
I think you will have a rude awakening some day when you realize the world has nothing to do with what you have but who you are as a person...remember you can't take anything with you to the afterlife so make sure you have the right things stored up...things like, faith, hope, love, and plenty of things that you did for other people! Those are the only things that count...not whether or not you have the best things, or the most expensive name brand clothes. From what I can tell you don't care all that much for other people or else you wouldn't have condemned second hand clothing which is sometimes all people who actually work hard for their money can afford...think through your priorities, you sound a little confused!! No you dont need to have the same priorities as your parents just because they tell you it's okay, you can be the voice of change!
yes, you are way spoiled. do you really need two nanos, four cars,2 straighteners/curling ions and that much clothes? even if you have As and Bs it doesnt mean you deserve all those things. why dont you help around the house, doing laundry,cleaning,cooking and washing cars. there are many people who gets As and Bs that are poor and their parents can not afford to reward them. i think you are very spoiled