Whats going to be the next big trend?


May 13, 2008
It seems the MA world is full of trends 50s-Kung Fu, 60s-Karate, 70s-Kung Fu, 80s-Ninjas, 90s-Aikido & Muy Thai, Now its MMA

While this has little to with most of us, it is funny how the mall ninjas, college kids and moms who take their kids start a ruch towards the newest best thing.

So what do you think will be the next big trend????
I meant 50s-Judo I got a little ahead of myself in my typing
I meant 50s-Judo I got a little ahead of myself in my typing
I meant 50s-Judo I got a little ahead of myself in my typing
I meant 50s-Judo I got a little ahead of myself in my typing
I meant 50s-Judo I got a little ahead of myself in my typing
I meant 50s-Judo I got a little ahead of myself in my typing
ignore those repeats my computer must have f uped