Libs, what would have happen if Tiger Woods was driving tiny green energy...


New member
Dec 4, 2009
...saving clown car instead of an SUV?


you ever see 50 clowns get out of a car?

If that doesn't save energy...I don't know what does


if you think that coming on Yahoo gonna bring the world together....then you are one DU__MB !diot.

This kweshun is a waste of bandwidth and space and time!

Asker: Do you not have something useful to contribute that just might bring folks together to approach solutions to one or more of the many real-life concerns or problems facing our communities and the Nation as a whole?
And imagine if he were on foot like me? And on the way to the Tokyo metro station? Not only would we all be breathing easier, but he'd have a nasty tree bark scrape on his elbow.
He'd probably have your wife in the passenger seat. Especially when she realizes it's better than the car you have anyway.
Why is it that c0ns care so much about trivial celebrity gossip? Is that why you watch Fux Noise so much? Now it makes sense.
Gossip Gossip
Don't you know any better?
A schoolgirl would shame you with better quips
Lipstick, eyelash, flashy stickers
Heatshaped vinyl purchases
Koolaid acid trip
High school gang rape
I've got so many binders to make them jealous
Bitch you got an attitude
I'll smack with something thicker
Gah Gah there goes someone's phone numbers
Everyone talking about
Listening to
Plastic culture
There are strippers on my wall
Because that's what I want
I want
I want
To be cool
Tiger will get a free pass from the libs for his adultery BECAUSE HE IS A BLACK.

Anything the blacks do, libs will be there to encourage them. They are the real racists. Wake up , poeple
He....would have crashed it?

And "Jimbob" is no doubt one of the 'Pugs who likes to whine about being called racist...I can't imagine why!
It didn't matter what he was driving. When his wife found out he was cheating and was chasing him down the driveway with a golf club, his only thought was "feet don't fail me now".