Which Celebrity Would You Kiss/ Marry/ Throw Off A Cliff?

  • Thread starter patchwork_pyjamas
  • Start date


This question is due to a conversation between a friend and I.

Which celebrity would you;
a) Kiss?
b) Marry?
c) Throw off a cliff?

And if you feel like it, give your reasons why.
a) Kiss?: cody linely?
b) Marry? someone nice and not arrogant
c) Throw off a cliff? ZAC EFRON, Miley Cyrus, and the Jonas Brothers all strapped together. ha.
a)lots..johnny depp comes to mind first for obvious reasons haha
b)kenny chesney cause he's my soulmate
c)...none that i can think of at the moment, but i'm sure there are some!
A) I would kiss Sean from Eastenders he is so lovely.
B) I would marry Mark Walhburg He is my dream man
C) I would throw Kanye West of a cliff because he bugs me so much.
a. Orlando Bloom, cute
b. Johnny Depp, hot
c. Brittany Spears, Don't like her
josh holloway/josh holloway (shame he is married lol)/ erm no one even if they deserved it.
Kiss? Jim Sturgess
Marry? Josh Duhamel
Throw off of a cliff? Paula Abdul
i dont know if you can consider her a celebrity but
miranda kerr
miranda kerr
southern rappers
kiss: james marsden or i agree with penny lane (love the name by the way) jim sturgess<3
marry: patrick dempsey
throw off a cliff: toss up between miley cyrus, paris hilton, and rachael ray (such an annoying voice!)
1, kiss : Tyrese cos he is hot
2. marry : Will Smith cos he is a family guy and a hotty
3. throw off a cliff : the Beckhams cos they are bloody annoying
If i wasn't already married I would love to kiss Ryan Reynolds, and also marry him...throw off a cliff??? I'm not a killer :)
Muwahha. Its obvious. I would kiss the chinese celeb Jay Chou<3. I would marry him too. hehe! =D and I would throw any celebrity off a cliff if they gte on my nerves. -.- But anyways, why I would kiss&&maryr Jay Chou?..its a secret...shhh
orlando bloom
britney, but not kill her

jamie lynn spears cuz shes hott
jamie lynn spears cuz shes hott
i dont think i would throw any one off a cliff... lol maybe mj