POLL: For MA students and teachers, why did you start training in martial arts?


New member
Aug 27, 2009
Whatever your art is, why did you decide to become a martial artist?

Me? I want to gain confidence and learn self-defense. When I was a kid, I was fascinated with all the action movies I've watch like Mortal Combat. Plus, I'm athletic and I don't really enjoy computer games like my friends does. I need a productive hobby and training martial arts seems like a wise decision.
AND... I'm a fan of Dragonball Z

does anyone know where I can learn the Kame-Hame Wave?
I was put into Karate as a child because my parents didn't think I had enough self discipline and I was naturally violent in my reactions to certain stimuli. As I matured I came to love the training and being in the dojo was my escape from the outside world. As I entered my teen years I stuck with it because I was so close to getting a black belt. As a young man I trained because I enjoyed it and began to teach others and get a great feeling of accomplishment as I watched them grow as I had from the training. Now I still love to train everyday and it is so much a habit that if I do not train my day is very crappy. I also teach six days a week and still love the feeling of accomplishment I get from watching how people change from learn the martial arts properly...31 years later I just live martial arts as a major part of my life and my way of life.
picked on in school jacked by a bunch of guys but i starded to train myself and they regretted