Non lethal defensive "Gadgets"?


New member
May 14, 2008
I'm really into self defense, I've taken 6 years of Krav Maga and two years of kick boxing. I enjoy a rather large collection of knives, and have a particular love for expandable batons. However, the area that I live in is very restrictive in what one may carry around as a defensive tool. Expandable batons are considered a dangerous weapon, tasers are banned by state law, knives are of course out of the question, and I'd rather avoid a firearm if at all possible.

Anyway, I've heard some rumors from a friend of mine (another self defense junkie), about "gadgets" that aren't considered weapons by the government, but would still offer a reasonable advantage. The two specific items I've heard about are;

1-A Light emitter that apparently flashes in such a way that it will temporarily blind your assailant. (Not a normal LED flashlight, this apparently is specifically designed for self defense)

2-A "hand held Sound cannon" that can cause temporary deafness. (I know this is already used by riot police, but I have my doubts that it is open to the civilian population)

Do these even exist, and if so could someone point me towards a website with them?
Both exist. Neither are self defense weapons. Both are used for crowd control.
The light takes a long time to work. I have seen the logarithm used to program the controller on the net and instructions on how to make one for a couple of hundred bucks on I cannot find it right now but it was on there in the last 2 weeks.

The sound cannon does not really cause temp deafness (how would tha be used for self defense?). It just makes very uncomfortable sounds that can disorient a person. It then can have the same effect as the light emitter It can also be used to pinpoint, from far away, what small group hears the sound. Most run about 180-190 decibels but are designed to be used in very short bursts.
The speakers are expensive but fairly small, about the size of an old firetruck siren. The electronics are very complicated. Lots of companies make them and I'm sure one will sell to you but you need a vehicle or the ability to carry a very very large set of batteries with you at all times.

Stick with being aware of your surroundings, avoid problems and keep up the Israeli fight stuff. Your ability to recognize and take action (which includes running away or actual fighting) is the best self defense.
non lethal means it doesn't kill however injury will occurr.

you should only use these in cases where your life is threatened and some states have a castle doctrine or something..where you need to be pursued to attack back or something like that...

#2 u wont find it easillyy...i doubt there will be any sellers and #1 as well. just arm yourself with a gun and rubber bullets lol
Well, if you can convince the mugger to hold off until you whip out your high powered Light Emitter or Sound Cannon from under your coat, they might work.

Have you considered a Kubotan? I have one that doubles as a key chain. Pretty effective as a close-up and personal weapon. Carrying it with the keys is unobtrusive as well.

Another take on the Kubotan is the Benchmade 1100 "ink pen"; here's a link.
1 and 2 do exist. However they are only in the testing phase for Military and Law Enforcement. Chances are they will not be for commercial use, if they even pass the testing phase (the sound cannon thing isn't doing so well and is all but scrapped). The flashlight acts like the flash in a flashbang, temporarily disorients and blinds a subject. Strictly for military and L/E and most likely will not be avaialable for commercial use.

Do you live in a really bad neighborhood that you need to have these? I mean seriously, is it that bad? The chances of being attacked in which you have to defend yourself are less than being in a serious car accident. Most attackers, or what have you are creatures of oppurtunity. They'll go after someone who doesn't look like they'll give them any trouble. There is a method to their madness. If you're a tweeker looking for a high quick...who would you mug the 70 year old lady or the 25 year old meat head in a Tapout t-shirt? You'll be fine. Also please see a shrink about those knife and baton fetishes...