Christians, please tell me what you think of the Christian couple who recently


Jun 3, 2008
watched their daughter die.? The 11 year old girl suffered from diabetes and when complications ensued due to lack of treatment the parents chose to pray over her rather than seek medical attention. How might a Christian justify such a decision?
This is a serious question, is it possible to justify such a decision using the Bible as a guide?
Stuff like that reminds me of that story about some guy who's drowning, and all these boats come by but he tells them all "God will save me," so he doesn't accept their help. Then he drowns and goes to heaven and asks God why he didn't save him, and God says, "I sent you all those boats you idiot" (well God probably doesn't use the word idiot in the story.)

It's silly to expect 'miracles' from God if we're not willing to take advantage of treatment that any believer should assume came from God made materials designed with God given brains.
they did make a poor choice. very poor. she is home with God now, i hope they will be able to forgive themselves. i hate this happened
Not enough details to make and honest to goodness judgment.

The bible says to judge a matter without hearing the facts, is folly to him.

Besides, you might be working against Christians belief and the right to believe in God.

Doctors cannot heal diabetes.

Liberals under the guise of rightness, are framing lies all over the country, to frame a consensus and then try to sell it, as a basis to legislate law against our freedoms.
I don't know but what people fail to remember is that the medical field is far from perfect. They are constantly killing people. You ever read the risks on the medicines they want to feed us. Do you know how many people have been hurt by there "expertise".
God is all over,god is so great to give us a brains to learn and teach ,how our planet can give for us, and what we can use to live more,god is so great to be around but people use fells after the work?
God use His people to heal and serve. That is why v have the field of medicine which was in place by mankind by His blessings. If the sufferring and cure is beyond the control of mankind thats when people leave it all to their faith in Jesus for a miracle.

It is at the believer's ignorance and misunderstanding, christianity cannot be blamed for such act. There r other christian believers who would consult medicine properly.

The angels and guardians of the girl will be judged.
May her soul rest in peace ... amen.
Very sad and very unnecessary.

Doctors are for the sick, prayers are for the waiting room.

Christianity does NOT condone this..Even Jesus spoke of physicians...
I just cant get my head around a religion that condones this.Whats even worse is the parents that let this happen.When your beliefs put your children at risk,isn't it time to reevaluate whats more important.Your child or your religion.I know which i would pick.
As a christian I can truly say this was a sad story....

this is a classic example of people who become so heavenly-minded
they are no earthly good...

why in the world do they think God gave us doctors?

too bad these extreme cases are the ones that others
choose to judge all christianity with...
I can't justify it.

It was a dumb mistake.
I would have taken my child to the doctor personally.
Why would I justify it just because we share a religion?
Sorry but I didn't read through the link.
These kind of awful situations leave me feeling wretched as hell, and anyone who could do that to their own bairn needs locked up in a padded cell.
Pray over a dying child when all she needed was a doctor?
You Americans should really get your laws straight and make them clear so people know if they can do these things or not. After all you have printed on your money "In God we trust" Well is that not what they were doing and they get jail time for it. America needs to wise up and either lost the religion backing or be right behind it not luke warm.
It seems to me that these types of christians need to read their bibles more often. How has it escaped their notice that one of Jesus' own disciples, Luke, was a doctor? Medicine and doctors aren't evil. Even if you are religious, why can't it just be reasoned that God gave doctors and surgeons the talent to do what they do?
I think they suffered enough when their daughter died.

There are times when no matter what one does (with or without medical treatment), someone loved still dies. Do we really know the full story?

While I don't know the parents or the situation, I still feel badly for the parents and what happened. We can only believe that the daughter is no longer suffering.

But my point is that we don't necessarily know the full story or if the daughter would have survived had she had medical treatment. Type I diabetes is a major problem with young people and even with treatment, many still succumb to it and its complications.
One word: stupid.

The possibility of miracles should not be used as an excuse for not using medical help when available.