Are atheists only interested in attacking and arguing with Christians...


New member
May 21, 2008
...than with any of the other religions? *In my whole life, I have never knew an atheist to attack or argue with any other religious group besides the Christians

*I have never heard a Muslim or Pagan complain about atheists attacking their religion.

Have atheists and the church of atheism or any other social groups that claim atheism ever targeted any other religion other than Christianity?

*If it has happened in history, could you point it out?
Without the whole approach of persuasion thing, if you talk to anyone of any faith about religion long enough there is a strong chance that they will try to get you to believe what it is that they believe, not just the Christians, many of you answering this are really proving me to be true, it is kind of like many atheist just scope out and go hunting for Christians to pick with.
To some of the people replying to the question, why is it that you say "Christians try to push what they believe on someone else"? this is just like saying that "all Atheists are angry" which isn't true because all Christians do not force beliefs on anyone just like all Athiests aren't angry. That makes me think that you only choose to focus on Christianity, and to follow up on an earlier statement I've talked to people of other faiths that have tried to persuade me to believe what they beleive.
There are so many people on here posting "you..." for example to say well, you know more Christians than anybody else or because you do this or you do that more than anybody else, do you know me well enough personally to know what I know?
I know people from all kinds of faiths, also I know atheists too, I even have people of different faiths or that are Atheist in my family too. FYI Just to get personal, for those of you that choose to get personal with me.
by attack, do you mean point out the various contradictions that are contained in your religion, and carried out by those who practice it?

We pick on you, 'cause you're all so darn cute when you're angry!
Enjoy your delusions of importance. I assure you that you are not singled out because your beliefs are special; rather this is an English chat and that means that when people talk about religion it is usually Christianity.

Also pagans tend to be slightly less... evil. Odd really. You'd think they would be trying to get the right to sacrifice children to Loki or whatever but nope. They don't get involved in war, teaching kids to hate science, racism, or really much at all.

Personally they piss me off anyway because they're irrational and they enjoy it.
An Atheist would never argue with a Pagan...for they typically go hand in hand.
I absolutely agree with the fellow Atheists here. Yeah it's irritating when a Christian wants to convert me but most of the time I make Christians doubt their god. And see this is why we argue back because there is people like you always talking negative on Atheists and all we want is our belief to be respected.
It looks like we "attack" (and by "attack" I assume you mean "criticize") Christianity more than other religions because Christianity is posted here more than other religions.
Reality check. #1, I've seen atheists that also have not agreed with muslims. Generally not with pagans, though. See #2

#2 It seems to be the christians that foam at the mouth at the atheists then get their feelings hurt when the atheists respond. What goes around comes around. Pagans tend to respect other people's opinions. Maybe there's a lesson there.
other religions don't try to convert you on a daily basis and tell you that you're going to hell if you don't convert.... specifically to christianity
Next time you see a thread about spells or Islam, take a peak. But then again, maybe you've only heard it from Christians because you know more Christians, so there is a higher chance that at least one of them is whiny, blows things out of proportion, and takes things out of context.
I'll debate anyone who believes in a supernatural being. I don't know where you cut and pasted those details from but that's just wrong. Look for Pat Condell on YouTube. He criticizes islam regularly and has a huge audience.

Also: muslims and pagans are not trying to teach wild, unsubstantiated claims in our science classes. Christians are. I should say creationists. There are many good, sensible Christians who know what should be taught and what should be left at home. They are not the ones we are "attacking".

The trouble with islam
yes they target other religions, Islam definitely included. but the reason Christianity is so targeted is because you all are the majority where we live, so attacking other religions just looks like racism.
My experience suggests the opposite -- that atheists react to being attacked by "Christians" who will not accept the atheist position that there is no deity as valid (for the atheist).

And where did you come up with the idea that there is a "church of atheism"?
I argue primarily with Christians because I know more about that religion than any other. Also, the majority of theist posts here are Christian. I have also responded and debated with Muslims, and it is not as uncommon as you think.
Richard Dawkins debates with some Muslims in his documentary. I think what you're seeing is mainly due to proximity. Also, the inherently exclusive nature of Christianity is different from that of many other religions.
Muslims are wrong. Pagans are wrong. Jews are wrong. Mormons are insane. Buddhists are cool, but wrong. Hindus are wrong. Cults are wrong.

There is no god. Period. We're not just saying that there isn't the christian god. Its no god. Period. You just complain more.
I am an agnostic. Is there really a church of atheism? I somehow don't think there is. I know that I argue more with christians because I know more about their religion than any other, since I was once one, and I don't think it would be right for me to argue about another religion I know nothing or little about.
Christians are the ones most opposed to us. And atheists generally call out christians on their bs, not attack them.
That's because most other religions don't affect and attempt to enforce their beliefs on others - just look at your track record for death and destruction in the name of some fairy thing.