Is it important to be calm, polite and rational when arguing with creationists?


May 20, 2008
When I was a kid, I remember arguing with religious adults by asking them questions that I thought would stump them or at least frustrate them, but most of the time they responded calmly and politely albeit with some gibberish about their imaginary god. I’ve noticed that now when I argue with creationists, they are the ones who ask me questions that they think will stump me or frustrate me and I’m the one responding in a calm and polite manner. Do you find this role reversal as interesting as I do?
No. Not particularly. This role reversal is only one of many up-side-down observances. All are in keeping with the times in which we live. I think that perhaps we should spend more time understanding the reference book and less time making up our own stories regarding our origin.
It's interesting that you've noticed this... but it doesn't surprise me at all. The fact is, the ones with true knowledge and authority are the ones that end up having to tolerate the childish questions of those who are less aware of the truth.
no they always pop my bulb, like the damn fool that is your first answer typical uneducated, easily manipulated US minion, probably an ex marine as well
Take a trip down to your local insane asylum, many of the patients there are actually pretty calm and relaxed (possibly due to drugs though).

They will stick to their beliefs regardless of what you tell them, but it's really no point arguing with them and you feel too much pity to laugh at them.
Says the poster who's name is "Liberalism is a Mind Disorder".

Nothing further needs to be said, really.
I suppose.

If you're going to have a discussion about science, it should remain on the intellectual level. But to be quite frank with you, I also think arguing creationists is ultimately a waste of time. Creationism is not an honest scientific position. Those who hold on to it are less interested with facts than with preserving their world view. Rational enquiry and consistency take the back-seat to a world-vision that provides emotional reassurance. It seldom has anything to do with science or knowledge at all.

I mean, I'll answer their questions as well, and I'll try to explain the science, but deep down, I know someone who is asking this is really hoping for more reassurance. They're hoping if they can stomp you, that will justify their world view. If they can't, they'll find a way to ignore whatever explanation you give them, or to invalidate it.
it is important in any discussion.

Is it important for you to engage in a conversation in which you pre-determined that you will not change your opinion, while keeping a sense of superiority with the other person if the viewpoint is different from yours?
No. First step is to move away from them. They are crazy and dangerous.
It's always important to maintain your cool and be polite in an argument. Otherwise, it will quickly degrade into a shouting match and nothing will be accomplished.
you should always be polite, but if you are naturally calm and rational, please stay away from creationists.
think about this: if they were able to listen to a sensible argument, and to reflect upon it, they would no longer be creationists.
so you might as well move to spain and chase windmills.
Well it was always part of you, and not them, religion changes no one, they claim it does, but the basic personality doesn't change at all.
Christians don't waste their time arguing with Evolutionists. What's the point? We know truth and they are just guessing.
Christians don't waste their time arguing with Evolutionists. What's the point? We know truth and they are just guessing.
Back then, unfortunately most people did not have the education they have now. People really truly believed in god, and thought the ones who didn't believe, just didn't know. Now however, we are more educated, and we have better arguments against the creationists. This frustrates them, and instead of appearing to look stupid, they lash out.
That's my take on it anyway...