Is it important to be calm, polite and rational when arguing with creationists?

I think that is always important, no matter who you are arguing with.

The one who gets excited first usually has less factual evidence, and or logical reasoning to work with.

That being said, it is extremely frustrating to talk to creationists about evolution since they have been terribly misinformed and don't even realize the lies they've been told.

However, I do not believe God is imaginary. I do believe that faith is a gift, and would not try to argue with you about having a belief that you have not been called to share.
It's important to be calm, polite, and rational in any argument, religious or otherwise. Calling someone's God imaginary is definitely not a good way to express your point.
"Ridicule is the only weapon against unintelligible propositions" -- Thomas Jefferson.

I used to be polite to them but they keep poisoning young minds with creationism crap. I am now with Mr. Jefferson.
There's little point being rational with creationists, their entire worldview is based on irrationality. Being calm and polite is probably more helpful to you than to them, since it means you walk away merely frustrated, rather than angry, embarrassed and frustrated.
I don't know, I usually end up laughing my head of at their oxymoron arguments and circular logic.

If people state ridiculous things as fact they should expect ridicule. Pandering to it is only giving them false hope. lol :)

Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks.
no, people become passionate about their beliefs in arguments such as these. it's just hard to convince you because you already know everything. if yout go into the discussion with an open mind, respectful of one anothers opinions, it should be beneficial to both sides to talk about this. you never talked with me about it, I would welcome that conversation and I culd listen and respect your point of view. I would expect that we could exchange thoughts, fact and ideologies whether we agreed or not. we would then agree to disagree, and continue on greeting and chatting with each other daily. this is how it should be done, this is the way i have been taught to do it through studying Gods word.