What religion is more tolerant? (Christianity, Islam, or Judaism)?


New member
Aug 14, 2008
I am just curious. Yea, I am a Christian. However, I would really LOVE to see what other non Christians think. All are welcome to answer of course. I will not judge you if you answer is different from mine. I am just looking for the best answer.
I have the utmost respect for Jewish people. Not once has a Jew ever told me that I'm going to hell for not believing in any gods, let alone theirs. They have all been very respectful and open-minded, and really cool on top of it. I've met awesome Christians and Muslims as well, but their beliefs are a little bit more rigid than what Judaism calls for.

So, I'm gonna go with Jews :).
I'm Christian, but I would say Judaism is the most tolerant, in some cases they can be tolerant almost to a fault.

I don't believe that tolerance is necessarily a positive. But neither is intolerance to the degree of denying people their inalienable, God-given rights, such as they do in Islam.

I believe Christianity has the right balance. Christianity holds that one truth exists, that truth cannot contradict, and change must happen internally before it can happen externally. You can't force someone to be Christian, hence why Christian countries are usually free countries. A person must choose Christ, but if they do not, that person is still made in the image of God and must be treated with dignity and respect owed to all persons. As Christians we are to respect their right to choose what they think is truth. Because God respects free-will, so should we.
Judaism, by far. You see them bashing people on here? Nope, they are very tolerant.

Edit: Just out of curiousity, have the Jews ever had a religious war (in the last few centuries)? I don't know their history well, and know that they've been victimized during various wars, but I don't know of any "religious wars" initiated by Jews in recent history.
Probably Jews but only because they're a minority. If they were ever a majority, I'm sure they would be pretty intolerant.
It depends on the individuals following the particular religions.

Eg: Some people are really fundamentalist, & believe that only their faith will go to Heaven in the long run, & everyone else will go to Hell.

Others may believe that it is possible for a non-believer to go to Heaven, but, even then it will still be the God(of their own religion)which Will Be in Control.

As a Christian myself, I fall into the latter category.
Any faith that says it is the only correct faith for everyone and those who do not adhere to that faith will be punished is far from tolerant. That goes double for those faiths that try to make others who are not adherents of that faith live by their standards. A tolerant faith does not inflict itself on the unwilling. Especially if those unwilling non-followers are not causing harm to others or inflicting their own faith (or lack thereof) on others.

Incidentally, it's not really the faith itself I find intolerant - it's the people in it. I don't think a faith CAN be intolerant but people certainly can be complete twatwaffles to others and some do use their faith as an excuse to act that way. Sad, really. They give everyone in their faith a bad name when they do that kind of thing.
It depends on the person. Any one can be judgmental of others no matter what religion they associate with. Religion doesn't judge, people do.
That's not as easy of a question that you would think it would be...

Christianity... The Bible teaches tolerance... It's the individuals that aren't tolerant...

Islam... Same for the Koran... Islam gets bad rep for the insane, out of their mind extremists...

Judaism... The Torah is no different... It's the individuals that aren't that tolerant...
Christianity, it incorporates all religions

When it started Judapaganism

Its still adopts pagan beliefs from Africa, S. America and Asia today

The Pope even attempts to reach out to Muslims and Jews

Juadsim & Islam (as it states in their scriptures) accept no-ones religion but their own
ISLAM it teaches you everything you need
quit looking @ CNN for your information
i suggest u actually meet some Muslims u will find out they r way more tolerant that u might think
the right wing christians you see preaching on TV and some of the local ones who are teaching FEAR mongering to the congreation about Islam
most preachers have no clue about christiany they preach cause most of them do not read the bible they go by hearsay
I would have to say Judaism, they are the only one's of the three you mention who acknowledge that people of other faiths may nonetheless be virtuous and worthy of respect.