Have you ever been given Best Answer, just so the asker can insult or argue with you?


May 14, 2008
I love it when that happens.
Especially when they rate my answer with only one star.
YES! But YOU win in the end, cuz you get the points, so its like 'You just gave me 10 points b*tch!"
Yes. I was badmouthed because my answer offended the questioner, but he ultimately apologized because he said that his words were actually meant for another answerer and it was just a big mistake, and then he awarded me the 10 points because he believed that my answer was sincere and actually neutral at the issue at hand. So, I don't know if my 10 points was a result of a mistake on his part by inadvertently insulting me or a result of my answer which was level-headed and not argumentative. At any rate, apology accepted and the 10 points of course.
yea i know!!! its like why are you giving me 10 points if you are just going to bitch at me? lol i love it!!

i guess some people just arent smart enough to send you hate mail
no whats the point awarding someone 10 points just to insult or argue sounds like they need to get a grip