As a Christian (or any other religion for that matter) what is your


New member
Aug 9, 2009
opinion on homosexuality? I'm Catholic but I'm totally fine with it, and not just as a Catholic, as a human, I think people should be able to love who they want. But for me, I feel it's one of the more controversial topics in religion nowadays.

So what's your opinion on it?
So which other parts of the bible are you going to pick and choose?

I don't have a problem with it at all.
I'm a Buddhist and believe that refraining from sexual misconduct does not mean to have heterosexual relationships only. Most Buddhists I know are 'okay' with it and those that aren't are usually predisposed to that position based up more cultural or ethnic values as opposed to religious ones.
I believe there is a greater being, but idk if i believe everything the bible says, ESPECIALLY about homosexuality.
I am a believer in Love, and nothing more. Think about it, if god created people and gives them a purpose, then he created homosexuality. The argument is homosexuality is a choice, and you should choose against it. But if you really think about it, you dont choose who you love. You them. You cant fight who you love.
It's a difficult one for me, because like any group, it has good and bad people, and the good people I have met from it, surely can't all just be damned, but I'm not sure it's ok, that isn't really what it says.
I would never want someone to try to oppress my love for someone else. If it was true love, I wouldn't stop loving them even if it was considered a sin by some people. Love is love!
Also, I believe that homosexuals should also have the same rights as heterosexuals. Union is NOT equal to marriage. I also don't believe marriage necessarily has to be a religious event. My (Christian) parents were married by the Justice of the Peace.
I could go on and on about this. But I will spare you and everyone else my ranting :)
No problem. We don't condemn people for being born with one arm or six fingers or a club foot or cleft palate, so why condemn 'em for fancying the same sex?
I'm a wiccan and I'm totally fine with homosexuality. You cant change it it's just who you are. I wish people wouldn't be so ignorant and realize that.
I don't have a religion, but I'm answering anyway.

Its nobody's business who you share your bed with. Not even God's.
Gays are not my problem, maybe not anyone's problem.

Homophobes will burn in Hell, so will all who despise His creation.
I won't even give my position. I'll just quote my Dad. He said, "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve". Love ya, Dad
I love people all people but I am against any form of sodomy and anyone who is trying to redefine marriage as God has ordained it ..

and He created them male and female ..and the two shall be one ..
You're either a liar or a fool.

You can't be a Christian *and* be "totally fine" with it.

It's a contradiction in terms.

My own view is that homosexuality if fine, for homosexuals. But then, I'm no Christian. Nor do I pretend to be one.
I'm a Christian and I try not to judge because only God is the judge. I believe and try to practice to love one another unconditionally and without judgment.

My opinion is that God loves all people, whether they are gay or straight. In the Bible it clear says that a man and a woman are suppose to be together but if also says that God loves all.