How do you vent your anger?

I'm not happy about it either! I've been spending a lot of time on these awesome questions of yours that keep getting deleted!

As long as i'm left alone when I'm angry, I'll get over it. But if not...oh boy. Everything just makes it worse. I wanna fight anyone who even so much as texts me.
Most the time I try to rise above my anger. Sometimes it gets me.
I buy really cheap useless books and rip each page out one by one

it feels good
It depends on how zen I am at that moment and what is as stake or the relationship of the person or situation.
Meditate, cry and if I am really honest with myself, I will confront the situation head on. Hopefully with tact and not yelling or accusations.
I know how ur felling, just try to ignore it, i might sound no sense to you but its a way of accepting it since you cant do noting about it.
plz help with mine. thnx;_ylt=AuRmgILAAxZSeCLc.jhKbzsB6Qt.;_ylv=3?qid=20090722184200AA8yjfZ&show=7#yan-answers
I say (or shout) really unpleasant things when I am driving along in the car. That seems to help a little. At least (hopefully) I am not upsetting anyone else while I am doing that. Windows up of course - not into venting a little road rage!
I do something physical..normally cleaning. There's nothing like slinging a mop around, or moving heavy boxes around to get all that energy out. Sometimes I'll mow the grass (really fast), but I definitely have to do something physically challenging to get out all that kinetic energy. When I'm done, I'm too tired to be p*ssed.
you need to get out more. you were probably born under the same sign as ob. go beat up a pillow.
Write it in my memoirs-

No seriously, I have to take time to either go for a good long walk, a good long talk - with a friend, clean the house [that feels good when I am done and exhausted the anger supply], and most importantly, bring it to prayer- this gives me the most relief....

I am sorry that you woke up to find that your awesomely question was deleted; I'd be very unhappy, too...
I occupy myself at answering questions on Yahoo Answers and after I make a few judgments and see "submit" then I'm usually ready for another frivolous time of enjoying the poses of other people whom I've never met and will probably never will and that makes me angry, almost to the point of writing myself a nasty letter!
I sit quietly and I meditate on what
is bothering me, or I just zone out.
I find that most people are annoyed
by silent anger. They'd rather you
vent vocally. Too flippin' bad.

As for Y!A deletes--- kinda makes
you happy that there's someone
who found employment. What
else would they be able to do?
Delete, delete, delete! (Puleease!)
They've done it to me too. I think
I need a moment of silence--- for
the venting thingy.
I work for a restoration company and we often do demolition work so when i'm angry and working on a demo I can smash hammers into walls or something like that, there's nothing like breaking something when your really angry