How can the republican party claim Obama as "weak", then have Bobby "Mr.


New member
Nov 20, 2008
How can the republican party claim Obama as "weak", then have Bobby "Mr.

Rogers" Jindal as their spokesperson? I suppose they think Obama should act like Bush which they mean idiotic, douche-like demeanor, being completely off putting to foreign countries, and making America look like a bunch of clowns...
Jindal is not in the oval office....Barry is. And Barry is weak. He bends for the left wing. Obviously they don't trust him at all because he'll says one thing, they don't agree with it, and he BENDS!!!! Quite a prez, ya think?

cbeaux: Thank you. Well said.
Because they are maggot brained scum who cannot remember longer than a few weeks into tha past, a dying breed.
Bobby Jindal is not our President. Try listening to what he says instead of how he says it. Obama makes a great appearance but there's no substance behind it.
are there so many blind partisans in the world?

when do you think, they'll wake up and see the criminals in collusion?

or are you so blind?

Mr Obama's (notice the display of respect-something you lefties have no idea about)first 100 days have been a disaster by many measures.

gop-dems--no difference when it comes to crimes against humanity.
Jindal gave the reply to one Obama speech. He is not the spokesperson for Republicans or conservatives. You are mistaken there just as you are wrong for thinking it is appropriate to use hateful, insulting, and nonfactual language to make your point. One of these days, when you grow up, maybe you can pose the question again and add some relevant, accurate information to support your case!
Bobby Jindal has said he patterns himself after Reagan. In that case, his foreign policy would be anything but weak. As opposed to Obama, who apparently patterns himself after Jimmy Carter, who was perhaps the weakest president in American history.
Hasn't Congressman Steele been our spokesperson for a little while now? I'm a Republican and I can't stand Jindal. Glad we haven't heard from him lately. Now I agree with Steele's points in talking about how weak Obama's Administration is making our country look.
First of all Jindal isn't the GOP spokesperson. According to idiotic douche-like liberals it is Rush. LMAO. Secondly because he is soft spoken and stands up for family values he is being labeled as weak or Mr. Rogers-esque? No, Obama shouldn't act like Bush. He should act like a proud American and not a cowering dog to foreign dignitaries. He should not condemn his country on foreign soil. He should not make statements of how the constitution is an outdated document that was "fundamentally flawed then and is still fundamentally flawed to this day". He should not take up with terrorists, foreign or domestic. Obama can be the president of this great nation, yet wouldn't qualify to protect himself (as secret service) because of shady dealings with shady characters throughout his long long career and life. Obama is weak when it comes to his stance on things. Weak is catering to your constituents and not having your own stance but that which is popular. Obama should hold dear the ideas and virtues that this country was founded on and stop saying things like "America is not a christian nation." and that "muslims shaped this nation". Just because I change a Chevrolet's front end to a Cadillac front clip does not make it a cadillac. It is still a chevy. Just because our great country has so many different religions does not change the FACT that it was started as a christian nation.

You know the problem with yahoo is idiots can rate you with a thumbs down, but not explain what it is about your comment that warrants a thumbs down. Kinda like siskel and ebert, Its an opinion. You can expose your disdain while hiding who you are. Give something to state why your down thumbing people. Come to the table with more than an idiotic idea and a rating system. Rate based on articulation and the ability to cause one to think, rather than any idea that doesn't agree with yours, deserves a thumbs down and those that agree deserve a thumbs up. Mindless liberals, that swear they are open-minded just thrill me.
First of all Jindal isn't the GOP spokesperson. According to idiotic douche-like liberals it is Rush. LMAO. Secondly because he is soft spoken and stands up for family values he is being labeled as weak or Mr. Rogers-esque? No, Obama shouldn't act like Bush. He should act like a proud American and not a cowering dog to foreign dignitaries. He should not condemn his country on foreign soil. He should not make statements of how the constitution is an outdated document that was "fundamentally flawed then and is still fundamentally flawed to this day". He should not take up with terrorists, foreign or domestic. Obama can be the president of this great nation, yet wouldn't qualify to protect himself (as secret service) because of shady dealings with shady characters throughout his long long career and life. Obama is weak when it comes to his stance on things. Weak is catering to your constituents and not having your own stance but that which is popular. Obama should hold dear the ideas and virtues that this country was founded on and stop saying things like "America is not a christian nation." and that "muslims shaped this nation". Just because I change a Chevrolet's front end to a Cadillac front clip does not make it a cadillac. It is still a chevy. Just because our great country has so many different religions does not change the FACT that it was started as a christian nation.

You know the problem with yahoo is idiots can rate you with a thumbs down, but not explain what it is about your comment that warrants a thumbs down. Kinda like siskel and ebert, Its an opinion. You can expose your disdain while hiding who you are. Give something to state why your down thumbing people. Come to the table with more than an idiotic idea and a rating system. Rate based on articulation and the ability to cause one to think, rather than any idea that doesn't agree with yours, deserves a thumbs down and those that agree deserve a thumbs up. Mindless liberals, that swear they are open-minded just thrill me.
Yeah you're right. It's so much better seeing Obama lay down in traffic for the dictators of the world. What a clown.
Jidal is not the GOP spokesman. They have no spokesman. That's the problem. Too many of them are trying to take the lead, but none of them are capable of being leaders.
Obama has the courage to step up to the plate and face Pakistan and China. We should have been focused on Pakistan, terrorists are known to be housed there and chances are out of anywhere in the world that is where Osama Bin Laden is. Republicans were to chicken shit to stand up to an organized military. They have become so incompetent. Hell even a war against poorly equipped/trained adversaries has turned into a disaster. Even John McCain criticized Bush on how shitty he was managing the war.

Republicans avoided Pakistan because they didn't want a all out war, and invaded Iraq instead so they wouldn't look stupid twiddling their fingers.
it is not the rep party, it is sarkozy, it is chavez, it is castro. you are blind if you do not see and read what the rest of the world is seeing obama as. a passive joke. and jindal has twice the education of obama so he is qaulified, if compared to obama, to be president. you forgot to hate on palin and rush. you are slipping.