I am ugly and I love this girl. Do i have a chance?i got competitions


New member
Apr 12, 2009
against kungfu skilled guys.? My dream girl description:
You see, i like this girl. Shes really beautiful, making me smile all the time. Shes not those blond/preppy girls who likes to shop but shes friendly and athletic too! She has a lot of friends a lot! She also has a lot of boys after her, including me.. I dont think I stand a chance against other guys, you will know why after I give the description of myself. Some of the guys know kung fu and can kick my ass with 1 blow.

Description of me:
A not so tall but medium guy. I am not so fat but not skinny either. I am a little chubby looking. My face sucks ass (well it doesnt suck ass but its ugly) I have chest hair, which i think is ugly. I used to have alot of pimples, they are all gone but they left alot of spots on my face making it 2x worse possible. Last, I never have money in my pocket. I am freaken poor. I do wear normal clothes, sometimes if possible buy somewhat better clothes. But seems like i have no chance against other guys.

I dont know.. do i have a chance? She does talk to me and we did go to places together. We did plan to wear same shirts at school together. She does talk to me ALOT But she also has this guy who she fools around with other than me. And all the other girls say that guys hot. :( Please help!

I dont know martial arts. However i did take trial lessons to learn how to punch and kick in case i need defence against those big guys. Help me?

Thanks for reading all that and now please give me a solution.
Oh forgot to tell i took trial lessons incase i ever get a chance to date her and then those guys try kicking my butt.
I do other sports such as soccer and hockey! Guys im poor too! I try making her laugh and she laughs but alot of other guys can make her laugh too.
Well you are sortof right, you don't exactly seem attractive. But heres how it is, if you really like this girl ask her out on a date. If she says no, than you will know its just a friendship, but if she says yes than it may lead into a longer relationship. :)

Also, martial arts? Say what? Maybe this is just me, but I think that is pretty lame. Do some other sport. Something that will impress the ladies. :D
Hey bud, I think you need some confidence and self- esteem first. Don't call yourself out. If someone else calls you out on any of that, just better yourself. Don't do it for them but for yourself. You sound like you are not even willing to try. Just be yourself , if she likes you ,she likes you. If not , there are other fish in the sea. KARATE? Nobody is going to hurt you for talking to a girl.

Good luck pal!
never call yourself ugly, theres no such thing! we all have someting beautiful about ourselves, beauty is not just about how you look....my ex wasnt the best looking guy i wasnt physically attracted to him at first but over time i got to know him and as i got to know his personality more it made him more attractive and to me he was the most good looking guy but maybe not to others. you do have a chance just be yourself and she will love you for that :)
Seriously, what are those kung-fu people gonna do?
It's not looks, but personality that really matters. Obviously, it might not look like it now, but if the girl talks to you a lot it means that she likes you. :] xx
You shouldn't put yourself down! Us girls hate that! Be confident around her (but not too confident) and you'll know when the time's right to ask her out! If it's meant to be then it will be!

Just for the record lots of girls love chest hair ( I know I do!)
you wont have a chance if you dont think you will have a chance.confidence is everything.be yourself and be happy with yourself.who cares about kungfu that does not make a true man.you need to work on your self worth than worrying about money or clothes impressing a girl.you have alot to learn about life.if you like her tell her.
Don't try that online dating crap, you'll probably end up with a boyfriend. Obviously the girl likes you for who you are otherwise she would have never started hanging with you. But she may not like you as a boyfriend and that is the problem. The best thing to do is to be yourself and if she wants more than a friend she will hint at it so be observative. You don't want to make a move when she isn't ready otherwise you'll ruin any chances of a relationship and friendship. Good luck.
Any guy has a chance with just about any girl. Just be confident, smile, and have good posture. Get a job of some sort to show her you can provide for her. Clean up a bit, shave your chest hair, style your hair on your head and get some new clothes, start running and lifting weights. If you do all this then you won't even have to fake confidence as you will feel better about yourself. As for the chatting her up. Practice talking to girls you find less attractive and learning what they like and don't like and just sorts building the confidence to talk to your dream girl. As for the Kung cu. It makes no difference. In a fight no one short of someone who has decades of experience is going to remember the complex moves Kung fu teaches in a real fight. Believe me I know strength is much more important as is your body weight. Besides I don't think this girl would want someone immature enough to start a fight.
First of all, you should never talk about yourself like that. because that will only make your confidence worse and worse:(
im sure its not that bad
and second of all.... obviously the girl likes you if she talks to you a lot. but you just have to figure out whether or not she likes you as a friend.. or more.
Also, you say you go places together.. does that mean like movies or that kind of thing.. or what??
because tht can be a good sign that she is interested if she wil go to plces like that with you.

Anyway, it seems your right on the boarderline of friend or more.. its really hard to tell.
i would suggest just going along the way you are for now.. and seeing how it goes.
and try and suss out things like awkwardnes, whether she looks at you a lot or whether she will look at you in a big crowd of heaps of people.. all of those things can be signs.

As for the pther guys.. who cares about them... us girls dont really care about who can beat up who.. thats just stupid.
and if she doesnt like you becaus eof the way you look.. then shes not worth it at all...
well anyway, hope this helped :)

and if you have time id love you to help me with my situation:)

Stop feeling sorry for yourself! I don't know about others but i find it annoying, if you can't love yourself in the 1st place, what makes you think someone else can?
You have spots on your face or you don't have any $ in your wallet.. then why not do something about it, instead of complaining over it? Get a job or something.
And just so you know, no1 is ugly in the outside, if she thinks your are, then she is a shallow person.. and you don't need some1 like that.
Instead of learning how to punch and kick, i suggest you learn to appreciate yourself 1st. Punching and kicking is not going to get you anywhere.. unless you get to know your self 1st!
of course, go for it. So what if you got rejected, the important thing is you tried. Once you keep try, you'll improve your confidence. If you keep improving your confidence, you don't even have to ask this question and you'll be much prepared for the next attractive girl around. So what if you don't know martial arts? There are hundreds of other ways to kick ass.
Okay, admittedly I didn't read the whole description, but from your original question you will never have a chance of getting this girl if you are as self-pitying in person as you are being right now. Girls don't care much about looks (I did at much, though, because being attracted to someone is important), however attraction can go a long way. Girls are usually attracted to confidence, regardless of how you look. Ugly, fat, balding, gross guys get girls all the time when they have confidence in themselves, a sense of humor, etc. The most important change you can make in yourself has nothing to do with your physical features, it has everything to do with how you approach her and how you can show her you are confident in who you are. Don't worry, there's hope for you yet!!

Best of luck!
From the sounds of your description, I'm going to assume you're in high school. (Sorry if that's not right!)
As you get older, you'll find there are tons of attractive women who are more attracted to a guy's personality than they are to his outer appearance. High school tends to be a more shallow place, so in all honesty your chances with this girl are lower than they would be if you were already in "the real world." But, just because the odds aren't high, doesn't mean you shouldn't try! Ask her on a date, and see what she says. You might be surprised by her answer.
Even if the girl says no, keep in mind that it won't always be like this with women. You'll mature, and they'll mature, and things will get easier. In the meantime, do things that make you happy.
And don't worry about the other guys who are interested in her. They don't own her! If they come after you, you could even go to the police.