Teens & Pre-teens: Which fashion trend do you wish would end already?

THICK eyeliner on those "chola" girls. Tight shirts on guys, but some girls can be an exception too lol ;] ! Those stupid nerdy glasses that teens think are so cool.
nothin. i dress sporty and preppy and the girls wear show offy shirts and tight jeans. im good :)
skinny jeans. they were fine for a while, and now they just need to go.
tights or leggings as pants.

I hate having to check to find the hidden little skulls. I bought a cute tinkerbell sweatshirt at disneyworld and soon as I got back I realized it was COVERED in little metal skulls (it was dark in the store- i thought they would be like flowers or something.
the "gangsta" look. it doesnt work for anyone you just look like a cheap hooker if you are a girl, and the guys just look plain stupid. find some jeans that fit around your waist and put on an actual t shirt instead of just a white tank but please none of those shirts that hang down to your knees. paired with the untied, hardly laced timberland boots you just look like you rolled out of bed and had less than a minute to get dressed.
Neon skinny jeans. A million beaded bracelets that you make in the second grade.

Yeah, apparently those are coming back at my school.

I wear skinny jeans, but only because they are the only jeans that fit me. And my mom still has to hem them to make them short. (How come people think that to be a size zero you need to be six feet tall?)

Okay, I am done now!
I am not a teen...but would UGG boots and shorts PLEASE go away?! It was not stylish with just UGG boots. And then shorts? Are these people blind!? There is my rant. Stepping off my soapbox now.