How might I get an animation studio to work on and publish my ideas?


New member
Nov 23, 2012
So recently, daydreaming has been my main hobby. I would sit around, listen to music, and let my mind wander. Well, I came across a song that produced some very unique ideas in my head. I listened to the song literally hundreds of times, and each time went through the events in my mind. I told my friends about the story I created and they were all blown away. At this point, months later, I have such a solid idea of how this could be an amazing animation.

I feel the need to contact an animation studio (specifically anime). All I need is someone to listen to what I've got to tell. I don't even care if they take complete credit for the animation, I just want to share my idea with the world.

What might I do? Where might I go? I don't have much money right now, but like I said, all I need is someone to listen.