
  1. A

    Can I publish mobile website as an app on Android Store?

    will this accept Google's policy in publishing app. Here mobile website is just an business website.
  2. D

    How do i publish a book?

    Im writing a book and i want to know where i can go to publish it and if i have to pay to get it publish. Anyone help!(:
  3. L

    Does publishing in the android market publish in Google play?

    I'm looking to publish my app in the Android market, and I was wondering will it automatically go into Google Play as well? Thanks for reading! -Rov
  4. L

    How can Australians publish on kindle?

    I'm about to publish a book on kindle but i noticed that Australians don't get the luxury of registering a bank account. Great. So unless I sell over $100 from my book in the U.S I pretty much won't be paid, just because I'm Australian? Has anyone else from Oz had this problem with Kindle?
  5. H

    How might I get an animation studio to work on and publish my ideas?

    So recently, daydreaming has been my main hobby. I would sit around, listen to music, and let my mind wander. Well, I came across a song that produced some very unique ideas in my head. I listened to the song literally hundreds of times, and each time went through the events in my mind. I told...
  6. J

    Windows movie maker wont publish with divx filters?

    I converted videos from my phone into divx files then made a video on Windows movie maker. Every time I try to publish its gets stuck. When I turn divx filters off then publish, the video is black when I try to play on WMP, Divx, Media suite, etc. Not sure what to do. Please help, the video is...
  7. M

    Is it wise to publish a book when you're still young?

    By young I mean 18-20 years old. Is it better to wait longer until you've seen enough of the world before you publish a book that you want to be a success?
  8. P

    Do you like this introduction for the book I'm going to publish?

    I sighed. My feet hurt. Mikey didn't lace the goddamn skates right. I plunked myself down into the grass and kicked my right skate off. It slid down the hill slowly and nearly hit Kat as she glided across the blacktop concrete basketball court. She didn't know how to stop, so she just sat down...
  9. kowalskil

    An easy way to publish a book

    Publishing a Kindle Book 1) Inspired by The New York Times article about Kindle publishing (October 24, 2011), I prepared the third edition of my "Tyranny to Freedom ..." *book, submitted the manuscript and the book was on the market in less than 24 hours. It costs only $0.99, the lowest...
  10. P

    How Do I make Wallpapers & Games to Publish to the Android Market?

    I dont mean Live moving wallpapers, Just basic photography pictures, & what about games? Nothing too fancy lol, something like spot the differences, memory, basic, etc?? && IF I charge for them how Do I connect that with a Debit Card??? I HOPE it wont be too complicated, but Im A great...
  11. E

    Can anyone out there help me publish my substance abuse recovery greeting cards?

    Janice Haskins, the creator of Stepping Stone – Substance Abuse Recovery cards, Has been writing for over thirty years. She attended Indiana University Northwest and in the spring of 1989, she placed third in the George N. Thomas Essay writing Contest. She is the author of several poems that...
  12. L

    What's the point of writing a story, if you're not gonna publish it?

    Please explain this to me. Because I always felt that if you write a story (unless it's a fanfic or short story), then you have to publish it. It would be like making diner, but not eating it. Otherwise wouldn't it be just taking up memory on your computer? Also, & I know it wrong to think this...
  13. T

    I'm designing a phone, could I publish it and how?

    I made a really detailed phone with an app store and everything. Have made all the apps too, is it possible to publish it and how?
  14. Q

    how to publish a book?

    abroad? I live in Scandinavia, but I am writing the book on English. It is a high-fantasy book (in a pararel world but with no magic, no extra-ordinary heroes etc). I want my novel (100-200 pages when I am done) to be published in foreign contries like England, USA, Canada etc. It live so few...
  15. P

    Where can I publish and sell my poems?

    Hi. I have been writing some poems lately and have posted them here and some other forums. I intend to write many more. I have been appreciated and encouraged a lot with many suggestions to publish my poems etc. Please can you tell me how and where can I sell or publish them? What all do I have...
  16. Maybelle

    I need a website to publish my stories?

    I know of Quizilla already but a lot of people like to go and steal stuff from there so I don't like it. (I've had those experiences with poetry) Any other good popular sites where I can go and publish chapters/stories/series...?
  17. S

    How do you publish a book?

    How do you publish a book? What are the costs? I don't need you to tell me how unlikely it is (because I know) please just give me a step by step procedure of what to do once you have written it and would like to send it to a publisher. Like, do you send a letter with the story? If so, what...
  18. M

    that candidates running for public office should be required to publish the

    results of IQ tests? this is my debate topic... my team is the negative team... if anyone could help us out with a few ideas that would be MUCH appreciated !!! :D
  19. G

    Why do newspapers still publish anti-evolution crank mail?

    As you know, I've started a bit of blogging at The X Blog. Please check out my latest post ... Evolution is real. Creationism is not. Why are emails from creationists often published in respectable newspapers? There is a reason, and I'll tell you what it is below. (Preview: It is your...
  20. Y

    How long do you have to wait until you can publish stories on

    It's a little annoying