Our pastor drives a Lexus; isn't that weird?


New member
Jan 11, 2009
We are a working class community church. We work very hard in order to be able to afford our cheap cars. Yet our pastor parks his shiny new Lexus in the parking lot with all of our crappola cars. Doesn't that seem weird that he spends our money that way?
Diogenyese- For your information I have a law degree from Regent University
Yes. He should practice what he preaches. It seems very wierd unless he actually earned money by working for it.
Exactly what the church was designed for, to answer your question, its not weird at all.
It's not weird, it's reality and religion is the tool which people will use upon other people to maintain an artificial social structure.
LDS give of their time freely. It is run by lay members and their is no paid ministry including missionaries, Bishops (pastor, you could be called) teachers, Tab Choir and orchestra, etc.etc. Men hold the Priesthood and have authority to baptize, lay on hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost, bless the sick etc. etc. Tithing is 10% and fast offering is at least the price of two meals. No longer needed items are turned over to the Deseret Industries for humanitarian purposes. The Church sends millions of dollars worth of items world wide.
You seriously should start asking questions about the way money are spent... Maybe hire a financial auditor?
You need to reevaluate your own point of view and make the appropriate corrections, ie keep your funds.
You'll get little sympathy from this cynical atheist. You folks brought this upon yourselves, by choosing to follow the path of ignorant superstition, when you could have chosen a real education and the pursuit of the actual factual truth. You got exactly what you chose -- so, why are you complaining?.
No, not weird. That is how it is, even if it is completely wrong. I had a pastor one time that lived in a huge home in the rich part of town... we had a small congregation too. He actually took me aside and told me I had to pay more thiths because he could not afford his electric bill that month (TRUE story). He drove a BMW. I stopped going there and several years later the church fell apart. I assume it was because more members saw what I saw. This man (as most preachers in that religion) acted as if he were god himself and if I didn't take care of him and his life style he could curse me and ruin my life. Seemed all churches of this religion that I have been to were the same way - rich preacher, poor congregation!
Your Pastors wife may have a well paying job or someone donated the car to him there are many possibilities. In a good church they will have a statement of where money is going and to who if they don't find a better church that does and is accountable to God and congregation.
I think you guys are giving him way too much money. If he gets to drive a new car and you guys have what you call crappy cars, I think you need to look into how much of the tithes go to him and how much actually goes to the church.... Looks to me like your pastor is dipping into the church funds more than he should. And people wonder why I don't go to church....