
  1. A

    If a pastor prays for someone to die - isn't that the same thing as an act of murder?

    basically a pastor is nothing more than judge, jury and executioner - and they have authority over the people who are in their congregation. I have seen several churches where a person was sick, the pastor prayed for the person to die, then they died. As far as I'm concerned the pastor...
  2. T

    GITM Part 3&4 Featured Pastor & Church: Pastor Helen Price - Jan 25,2013

    Pastor Helen Price of the Covenant Faith Missionary Baptist Church This is Part 3 & 4 of our 5 Part Series with Pastor Helen Price. She is a pioneer for the Lord and has been in ministry for over 30 years. Pastor Price is the founding pastor of the E. St. Louis Christian Center Church as well as...
  3. T

    Biblical Discussions with Pastor Devin Miller - Dec 01,2012

    Starting its second season, Biblical Discussions is back using the Bible Study tool The Bible in the Light of Our Redemption by E.W. Kenyon. This book follows the life of man through the Bible. the 30-minute study will highlight the essential points of the lesson and point out the life...
  4. T

    A Time of Encouraging Words with Pastor Debra Tate - Nov 18,2012

    “A Time of Encouraging Words” Our Speaker will be my Pastor Bishop Ronald Ferebee. Sr., Senior Pastor of Evangel Temple Holiness Church of Jesus Christ in the Cleveland Ohio area. The name of our Topic will be called “What's The Name of Your Mountain?” What is a Mountain? A Mountain can be a...
  5. T

    A Time of Encouraging Words with Pastor Debra Tate - Nov 04,2012

    Praise the Lord Saints My name is Debra Tate and I am with Royal Diadem Internet Ministries we are an internet Ministry and I want to thank you for joining me on “A Time of Encouraging Words.” I pray that you all will go out and vote. You can join me for 24 hours of music and teaching on...
  6. A

    Pastor Says Unbelievably Hateful Things About Gays

    Some people are just hateful idiots. Like Charles Worley, a*senior pastor of Providence Road Baptist Church in North Carolina. In response to Obama's approval of same-sex marriage, the Baptist pastor actually wants all gays and lesbians to be fenced in so they will eventually die off.*Yes, you...
  7. A

    Pastor Says Yoga Is ‘Demonic’; Warns Christians To Reject It

    Here we go again: Another Christian warning us that yoga is sinful. In his blog, Pastor Mark Driscoll from the Mars Hill Church in Seattle, says that "yoga is a religious philosophy that is in direct opposition to Christianity". Because of this, he believes that "yoga cannot be simply received...
  8. M

    So christians how do you justify this idiot pastor?

    So I was invited to church by one of my friends and I went reluctantly. It's this little bitty country church wih maybe 20 members and most of them are related to the pastor. Well my friend's younger sister got into an argument with her mom and before the service her mom told the pastor about...
  9. K

    Christians if your pastor told u the bible said the earth was flat?

    Would you believe the earth is flat? The bible has no flaws remember.
  10. K

    Is is right for your pastor to be in mad moods and not greet his members or

    talk to them before service starts? Been going to the church for 2 years and getting to know the pastor a little more. Understand the pressures they have but when he is not in a good mood he will not shake hands are say good morning, makes my husband and uncomfortable. When he is in a good mood...
  11. Y

    Pastor Tony Smith & Pastor James David Manning: I have never seen funnier...

    ...preachers. A Black Preacher who says? A Black Preacher who says that he's not black. Says that Obama is a Long Legged Mack Daddy,... etc.. These two Preachers should rather be comedians.. lol - I can't stay in my chair. Check them out at the website. Enter the Keywords...
  12. C

    I got a DVD of my pastor's retirement party; how do I import it into iTunes?

    When I put the DVD in, a window pops up asking me what I want to do, but I only have three choices: play the movie using Windows Media Player, scan it for security threats, or close the window. I can't seem to rip it; it's almost like it's copyrighted. I use Windows 7. Is there any program on...
  13. L

    If I asked him very nicely, would Pastor Art teach me the real Gospel of Jesus...

    ...Christ? I can be a true Bible-believing Christian? He says that in order to have my beloved's love, I need to stop following "Joe Smith" and stuff and start following the real Jesus. I thought I was following Jesus since I have memory, first as a Catholic, then as my own thing...
  14. S

    christian women do you feel bad the Bible is clearly against women pastor and...

    ...women shouldn't wear make up? I don't get why do christians accept pastors as women if they letters of Paul insisted the women should be quiet even he affirmed the woman is inferior to adam.. because she was created after adam... reading this verse 1 timothy 2:9.. according the verse women...
  15. G

    Separation of church and state? Pastor Brad Brandon thumbs his nose at it.

    And the feds have taken notice... Pastor Brad Brandon's loves to talk about the scriptures on his daily radio show, but it was what he spoke from the pulpit of his church, Berean Bible Baptist in Hastings, which has the attention of the federal government. The 11 candidates he endorsed are...
  16. N

    How come the pastor does everything in his power to coax the congregation into...

    ...applause when he makes a point? He says, "Let's give the Lord a hand!" in order to get applause. He even does that after the band plays. Since when did praising God involve applause? What's up with this preacher language, interpreted as 'Come on somebody, pronounced as "Comaowne sumbodah!"...
  17. C

    Should Pastor Jones be allowed to meet with the iman in NYC?

    He says that he will burn the quran if he doesn't meet with him
  18. L

    Pastor Terry Jones: On the verge of being a cult leader?

    Where online can I watch MMA UFC ultimate fighting matches live streaming? need a good link where I can watch MMA ufc ultimate fighting live on the internet
  19. J

    Has any Christian looked over the list of 365 propehcies their pastor... them and left Jesus for good? A Pastor I was debating with once gave me these lists and I looked at this list one by one and wondered will it actually cause more people to distrust and disbelieve than believe if they really went through the passages in context and answered truthfully if...
  20. O

    A video that i cant remember about a Christian Pastor?

    I cant seem to remember any detail but i know it was on youtube and at the end of the video he says His Name is Jesus! Like many times he says that and the video is really good. I think hes a youth pastor and he raps too. Any ideas?