When I was 12 my dad tried to commit suicide. I never told any of my friends at the time and ever since then I have hidden my feelings alot from people. I've hidden alot of my problems and still seem to do it now, even with the people I am closest to.

I think I still have a hole inside of me, because I've never talked about it with my dad. After it happened, we all kind of had to pretend like it never happened. He spoke to my older brother about it when he was in hospital, but not me.

I feel like its too late to talk about it now because its buried and in the past and everyone else has moved on, but a part of me feels like I can't go through my life never talking about it.

As I said before, I now hide most of my feelings and problems from the people I love the most as it is something I have just learnt to deal with by myself.
I'm almost 17 now.