Zimmerman Martin Case

In what way did the Confederacy's attack on Fort Sumter (which is in South Carolina in the South) constitute an attack on the North? An attack on Northern Forces perhaps?
That's how I'd see it. It was an attack on the forces of the United States of America, of which South Carolina was still a part - if you look at it from a 'Unionist' point of view. I suppose it boils down to whether you see the confederacy as a legimate secession or simply a rebellion against the legal government of the USA.
Kind of like how someone would see the Battles of Lexington and Concord.

PS: I believe it was best (for the US overall) that the south lost the war.
You could say that! But they is to win. then you get remembered as a 'freedom fighter', rather than a 'rebel' or a 'terrorist' or whatever.

I'm sure you're right. But it would be interesting to imagine what would have happened had the confederacy succeeded in becoming a truly independant state. (Not that the Union was ever going to let that happen, but as a purely hypothetical excercise it's interesting.)
The previous president Buchanan had already made an announcement that there was no legal way to prevent the secession.
Discussing something that exists and is a detriment to our society makes it more prevalent? Please describe the logic behind that statement. You obviously have no clue what racism is and what the most important aspects of its manifestations are. It's not a race card, it is a reality that whites benefit by fact of their whiteness in the overwhelmingly majority of situations in our society on account of their whiteness. The biggest factor with regard to racism is what happens as a result.

African-Americans calling fellow African-Americans by the "N word" isn't racist, just as a white person calling another white person a cracker isn't. However, either group addressing the other by such terms would definitely be racist. However, and the big point you miss, is that the manifestation of racism against minorities has had far bigger social, economic, and judicial consequences both historically and to this day.

Furthermore, for those trying to justify white racism by pointing out that minorities are also racist, give it a rest. Everyone in our country(and probably in the world) knows that the results are very different when whites are racist against minorities and vice versa. When white males start going to jail in disproportionate numbers with longer sentences, white people reach glass ceilings because of being white, can't get into a university or get harassed and made to feel like a second class citizen because of their lack of pigmentation, then you might have a point. For now though, you don't. When these things become part of our social fabric, judicial system, and economic reality, then you can complain. Until then though, you should stop blaming minorities and looking for reasons to perpetuate racial inequality and stereotypes.
Yea I have had on line discussion about what would have happen if the south would have won independence.

It’s a very good possibility that England would have been the first country to officially recognize the CSA.

The slavery issue would have been a stumping block but even if the south had won slavery would have soon been replaced by a share cropping apartheid form of labor.

Over all America would have ended up much like Europe with more indented countries and I wonder if this would have changed things in WW1 and then WW2.

PS: I’m not saying the US came over and saved the day single handed put we did a major influence on how things turned out starting with lend lease.
To couch it in terms like these makes it clear that you are unwilling to deal with the nationwide reality that minorities are treated differently(that difference being inferiorly) based on their race. You are either jaded or have some reason to lie to yourself but the below statement is a cop out and part of the reason that minorities that are treated unfairly in general by the judicial system, tend to dislike and distrust the police.

You are being overly specific. There are nationwide statistics that bear out a different conclusion than the excuses you give above. Pretending to be fair and equal while holding obviously discriminatory views is a disease. We can call it Foxaholicism if you'd like but the symptoms are very clear and easily diagnosed.

Oh, so you patronize them? Do you think they need you to tell them that they are lucky? Do you say the same thing to all white boys you meet whose father is trying? Can you really not see your own bigotry that is apparent in almost everything you've posted in this thread? So now you are a expert on the black social situation and can deem that the reason for the problem is due to the lack of a positive male role model? How did you compare today's statistics to decades past when the single mother raising a child alone(without extended family that would include older males and females in a parenting role)? Did you see a drastic change? How about you really do some reading and research instead of just pulling things out of your hat? There are people with Ph.Ds who have researched and written books about what you are claiming to have solved and interestingly enough, they have come up with far different conclusions.
I think you meant to write, "If he was brazenly and unapologetically racist, then..." Why do you assume that if he was racist, that would automatically make him a dolt? He's not Rush Limbaugh, so determining whether or not he is racist isn't as simple as what you say below.

Better just assume all whites are racist until proven otherwise, that would be the safest bet. However, people are given the benefit of the doubt unless they are overtly racist. How interesting. Suffice it to say that most white people in America today have inherited or benefitted in some way, shape, or form from the institutional racism that created our country's prosperity. If one hasn't looked in the mirror and dealt with that fact, it's kind of hypocritical to start saying this and that about minorities when one's own closet has some bones in it if one would just bother to look.

Do you ever feel a twinge of guilt when you come across a Native American, or do you just justify things tidily by thinking, "Well, we stole your country but hey at least you have casinos!"

Wow, so because we have an African-American president, that means that everything is honky dory? Why should you assume that every black youth is a wannabe gangsta who is a potential criminal? Looking at how the system is stacked, at least by assuming every white person is racist, you are in better position to deal with when you are right. Yet, most of the African-American people I have had these kinds of discussions with are just the opposite. They are less critical and distrusting of whites than they are of other people of their own race. This gets back to the point about the socialization and self-loathing that our society creates. Are you familiar with this study?

Not sure if you're being sarcastic or just ridiculous.

Since I don't believe that (1) guilt is morally inherited from generation to generation (that's why we don't jail children for the crimes of their parents), and (2) I really don't believe that Russian Jews who came to New York in the 1890s had anything to do with what happened to Native Americans...no, I don't feel guilty when I come across Native Americans.

Just like I don't expect every twenty-year-old blond person to feel guilty about the Holocaust. They didn't do it.

I don't assume that, I never said anything remotely like that. Now you're just completely mischaracterizing my entire position in this thread. I never said that there wasn't racism in America. I said that there was racism in America, but a lot less than there used to be, and I also said that there wasn't evidence that Zimmerman was motivated by racism. You're totally attacking a straw man here.

You're also being a bigot when doing so. Seriously. When you assume that everyone of X race has Y negative characteristic until proven otherwise, YOU'RE the one being racist.
Wait, was that "you're better off assuming every white person is racist" thing serious? Only I'm sure you spent a few posts complaining about the idea Zimmerman profiled Martin because he was black.
Don't agree... calling another black person the N word simply because you also happen to be black is a cop out and is a pathetic excuse to use the word period. Like I said, it's things like this that keep racism going. I don't call another white person a cracker, honkey, whatever, but I could care less if someone did call me any name. I understand that the history of the black population has had a hard time, but the simple fact is that statistically a black person is more likely to commit a crime... these are not my feelings, this is a fact as was pointed out earlier. Does that mean a white person or any other person wouldn't commit one? Of course not, but black people who complain about racism should take a long, hard look in the mirror before accusing all white people of it.
No, I think you'll mean that black people are statistically more likely to be prosecuted and convicted and thus end up with a criminal records.
While that results in the same statistic, it is very different from saying that black people commit more crime. Unless of course 'crime' is defined as an action for which a conviction follows, instead of as an action for which conviction 'could' follow.

If you get to the bottom of the article, you'll also see that under-treatment of black patients by doctors is a problem.

But I guess it's a lot easier to blame Jesse Jackson, or "emotional and violent propensities", or wearing your trousers too low, or hip-hop, or skittles and codeine, or whatever...
Do any of these studies being brought up include the economic status of the individuals included in the data, or are we just assuming it's black people across the board regardless of economic status?
Single black fathers are raising only about 8% of the kids around right now. Most kids in the black community are growing up without a father at all. If I meet a good one, then heck yes I'll tell him because he's one of a small minority currently which is a big problem. Patronizing? Get over yourself.

I don't claim to be an expert like some people laughably appeal to be treated as on here. I also don't make my arguments without experience though. Ive been working in a neighborhood that is 94% black for many years now and interact with the residents there daily, ranging from chatting it up with the friends I have there to being the family counselor with a badge. The lack of a father is absolutely a huge issue in a young man's development and for whatever reason the black community is hit especially hard by this.


As far as being a bigot, please. My brother in law is black, my best friend is black, virtually everyone I train in Kyokushin with is black, and oh yeah, I had a live-in girlfriend who was black. Good luck trying to make that label stick though.
It's incredibly difficult to seperate all the varied socioeconomic factors. Which is why scholars have been arguing about it for so long.
