Zimmerman Martin Case

look, i don't want to over-debate here. it's just a very sad, sad story. one kid is dead, another man's life is ruined (let's face it, the guy's going to have trouble living a normal life from here on out).

but i just have to disagree with this. of course zimmerman is racist. he targeted a boy walking through his neighborhood for no other reason than "he's black". the simple fact is, he didn't follow some white kid. he followed a young black male who looked suspicious. a kid that was doing nothing other than walking. you can say there's no evidence to support his racism. to which i reply, he didn't follow a white kid, he followed and killed a black kid.
There are too many variables to take into account. For example, if you just looked at my statistics for police encounters you'd see they were largely black males, followed by black females, white males, white females, and other races in that order. Sounds racist right? I work in an area where 94% of the population is black. Does it sound just as racist now? I definitely have far more police encounters than the officers who patrol the affluent Jewish neighborhood a district over as well.
43% of the residents in that area were minorities at least. I know some very dark skinned Hispanics who could be considered black. Zimmerman followed him as he thought he was suspicious, not because of the color of his skin. Race wouldn't have been an issue if the media hadn't hoisted that flag.
affluent being the key word. i couched my statistics earlier with "of the same income level". sorry if i wasn't clear in my last post.

you've got a tough job, which i respect very much. but black people are not more violent than whites, when you control for income. black people do not use more drugs than whites. you could even make the case that white people use way more drugs than blacks, because they have more money. in my experience, that is very true. (only anecdotal, i know)
no, it really isn't because the more people like you, and al sharpton and jesse jackson bring up racism, the longer it hangs around in the world. This is a world where black people call each other the "N" word all the time, but a kid gets shot and it's INSTANT racism right? Stupid.
No matter how many times this is repeated on internet forums, doesn't mean there's a lick of evidence that it's true.

Zimmerman was an active, perhaps overzealous, member of neighborhood watch. He had repeatedly followed other people and called police about people he thought were suspicious. Dozens of times. Not all were black. Not all were male. Yes, he has also followed and called the police on white teens. If one of them had knocked him down, gone into the mount, and started battering his head, he probably would have shot them too.

On the other hand, if he was out to shoot black people for the fun of it, he probably would have done it with one of the dozens of other individuals he had called the police on. And he certainly would not have called the police before engaging in premeditated murder. Nobody would do that.
there is institutional racism in this country. there's a lot of evidence for it. the fact that you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there. black people know it, you clearly don't. ok?!?! did you ever wonder why black people cheered when oj got acquitted?

and just because black people use the n-word, doesn't mean you can.
But surely if you're poor in the land of opportunity, then you're lazy.


Because racism is only still here because black preachers keep going on about it. We don't need to address messy history and statistics, because it goes away when we stop looking at them.

Makes total sense.
My personal opinion? It's not for any biological reason. Statistically over half of black males are raised by single mothers, more than white and Hispanic males combined. It's lack of a positive male role model more than anything. That's why raising my sons and being involved in their lives as much as possible is so important to me. And that's why when I meet a black father who is trying, I shake his hand and tell his son/s how lucky they are.

fair enough on the over-zealous part. i looked at a log of all of zimmerman's calls to 911. i seem to remember a lot of reporting on "black males" when the call wasn't about some dogs, or someone's car blocking the road. i'll have to look up all the logs again. i thought it seemed like more than a coincidence frankly. but i'll check again to make sure i'm not making things up.
If he was motivated by racism, ALL the calls would be against black males. In fact, you specifically said "he didn't follow a white kid." That's wrong. He did. This particular night, the individual he was following happened to be black, but it's simply false to say he never followed white teens. You're basing an argument that someone who was acquitted of all charges and cleared in an FBI investigation was racist on false assertions.

The minute you get into "well, African-Americans are 40% of that town's population, and are disproportionately represented in lower income brackets where crime is more common, but his calls were 70% against African-Americans, not 40%," it sure doesn't look like a clear-cut case of bigotry anymore. Better run the numbers of what percentage of people in that town, below the poverty line, are African-American. Let's say it's 70% Assuming that burglars are generally locals who live below the poverty line, if 70% of the people he called 911 on are Black, then no, you're not showing any discrimination, even subconscious discrimination.
George Zimmerman once protested treatment of homeless black man by police, his father says


Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/trayvon-martin-shooting-george-zimmerman-protested-treatment-homeless-black-man-police-father-article-1.1057162#ixzz2ZLBBaka8

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/07/fbi-no-evidence-zimmerman-was-racist/#UtH3eKAuYt0cO2m4.99
it's really scary david. black people in this country are totally screwed in many ways.

i was lamenting, to a friend, the fact that illinois doesn't have the same marijuana laws that were just passed in colorado. basically, complaining that i just can't go "above the board" so-to-speak and instead have to meet shady people in shady places at shady times in my state and run the risk of being arrested for something equal to alcohol, where in colorado, i could just go to a store that's regulated. my friend just turned to me and said "don't worry, you're white".

so i've got that going for me.
At the same time, an African-American man has been elected president, twice in a row now. The first time, he beat out Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Primary and beat out a popular war hero in the general election (John McCain). The country's not perfect, there are some racists still out there, but you really shouldn't keep assuming that every single non-black person in America hates black people. Which is what you're doing when you say Zimmerman must be racist because "this is America."
i'm looking at zimmerman's call log. in the last 11 calls the guy made, dating back to april 2011, 7 of them he mentions "black male(s)". the other four are like potholes or suspicious cars. i'm not making this up.

oh yeah, the fbi also think that fingerprints are 100% accurate. so i'm not impressed that their investigators cleared him of racism.
i never said every single white guy's a racist. i've said over and over there is institutional racism in this country. do you know what institutional racism means? it means that black people are dispoproportionally represented in prison population. it means that black people are institutionally shut out of the political process. that black people are institutionally shut out of high quality education. it means black people on average pay more for mortgage loans. and a lot of other things.

there's a lot of racist white guys. not every single one. barack obama being president doesn't mean that this country is less racist.