Yuck. My wife has been plotting a divorce! Is this a fair deal?

First of all, you should not ever snoop on anybody's computer. Second of all, you don't know for sure that she wrote the agreement for you because she could have just been helping a colleague. Third of all, if your wife has to cheat on you, it means that you have neglected her in some areas whether it was emotional or physical.Given all that, I think that if your wife is still the love of your life, you should try and talk to her and find out what it's going to take to salvage this marriage. If nothing can be resolved, I would immediately find a very good lawyer and try to get a better deal than what she's proposing. You might even be eligible for alimony, since she makes almost triple what you make and you could never lead the life you've been accustomed to on your misery of $47K income.Most of all, think about your children and whatever is important for them.Have fun
1. You're screwed.2. You're screwed, & you will lose half of whatever you got since marriage.3. The legal system will hold you down & rip you off on the account of someone's word.
sorry to hear that dude.if i was you i would go her for half of everything. if you are having the kids for most of the time then doesn't that entitle you to child support from her. and why should you get the studio? the house should go to you if the kids are with you. otherwise they should both be sold and profits split.again sorry to hear that. hopefully things work out better for you in the future.
well first of all NO!!Get the kids all the time with everyother weekend and holiday hers (she dont want them anyways)and take her for support.. she wants you for a sitter she might as well pay you.Savings.. 50/50House... sell it and split the money 50/50 or you stay there with the kids and she gets the loft next door.. (but you might have to buy her out on her 1/2 of the house)want to find out if she is planning a divorce? ask her.. dont assume, flat out ask.
So that 12 sandwich eating gravy slurping pig of a cheating sow of a wife has been plotting a divorce huh? well hopefully u took my advice and put some cash away and contacted a lawyer from out of town. But anyways the visitation sounds fair but i would ask for some child support sell your loft and move too a different location. Get the best car and get half of her savings also. I think when all the dust settles we all know from reading your posts what u wanna do with the au pair.those photo's will give u plenty of ammo but save them till the divorce bartering your lawyer will love the upper hand in this fact she'll give in. good luck and hopefully u'll keep us informed.
if she is the one asking for a divorce, she will get slammed with the obligation to pay to you what would be required for everything to be separated half and half.. since she earn more than you, she is in hot water.. This divorce agreement is just an essay to see how she would be loosing... anyway, if she goes out with this part time wall-mart security guy, it seem to be just a sex thing and should not last that long. She seem to be quite frivolous and a bit stupid for someone who work in a law office.. now to you ; why do you have to write down her password in here? does this information had anything to do with what you had to say ? why do we have to know that there was not much on there ? totally irrelevant.anyway, don't worry she won't be able to do what was written in this divorce essay , impossible.. and don't get involve with another woman, because then ,she can go to war against you... keep those photo preciously they might turn out to be very useful .
Okay.. accept the fact that you are dealing with a cold b**^h and she is planning on dumping you. Step one is to be be sad for about 10 minutes.... Step two is to plan for your divorce... You need to start by draining all your joint accounts... don't put the money in some other account with your name on it you need to find a safe place you can keep the cash without her being able to prove you even still have it (in court if the fact that you took cash from the accounts comes up you can claim you just blew it gambling) DON'T use a safe deposit box because that will leave a paper trail that you have one. If its a large amount start by buying gold coins from a local coin dealer... maybe buy one or two ounces from any given dealer in town at random times. DON'T write check use cash. Every 10,000 dollars worth of gold will be less than a pound and it will be much easier to keep with you that way.Now that you have drained the joint accounts start getting all the finanical records together, you need to start with copies of your income tax forms, check them carefully because your wife wont be dumb enough to lie about what assets you all have to the fed, so this will give you a clue if she has any account in her name only. Now take the photos, and the records and go get a hard core lawyer and let the fun begin.The fact is if you paid to put her through law school then you'll be able to get a pretty good return on that investment in and of itself.... Another option would be to tell your wife you want to be a stay at home dad. If she goes for it then do that for a year before you start operation divorce the skank and then you can get alimony from her... but don't forget drain all funds you can and hide it before YOU pull the pin. The key is to strike first, and strike hard.
You can afford a $200,000 loft on a $47,000 salary? How did she get a job making a lot of money when she doesn't know the difference between "their" and "there". Hopefully she knows the correct usage of "your" and "you're". Speak with a lawyer. What could it hurt. Talk to your "wife". Confront her with the cheating and the divorce. What's the point of staying in a marriage that is based on lies and deceit?
take her computer when she is at work... go to a sleazy motel with internet access... pay with cash and use her first initials and last name to sign in... find some sites with very bad pictures, the ones that get instant jail time (know what I mean?)... down load someo onto her computer... go back home and act normal... in a week or so go to a cyber cafe and again pay cash send tips to the police that your wife is doing child porn... also send a tip to the partners of the law firm she works for... your goal is to to get either of those two to find the stuff on the computer and then you win... its very easy to divorce a person involved in kiddie porn and she wont be setting the terms anymore you will.
Things seem to coming to a head here Reality,your opportunity to head this thing off at the pass is rapidly closing on you.I told myself that I wouldnt answer any more of your marriage questions because I didnt know what else I could tell you and you didnt seem to listen,not just to me, but to everyone that has been giving you advice.With this new bit of iformation I feel like I should give you another thought of mine though.Now is the time to approach your wife,you dont have time to flip flop anymore because she is about to make the first major move and for as long as this has been going on you are still not prepared.If there is any chance to save the marriage then you have to act now.
Ya know, this doesn't sound like a bad deal. And if you start to squirrel some money away now, it might not work out that bad. At least you wouldn't be getting the security guards "seconds". In the immortal advice of Dear Abby "are you better off with her or with out?" Only you can decide that.