

New member
Feb 15, 2008
Recently I have found myself searching this site quite alot.
Searching for breakdancing and parkour i found alot of good videos.
This is a funny one for anyone who likes naruto
What does everyone else search for?
LOL... thats a funny one.

I mostly search for IMA stuff on there. Great site, loads of good clips.
Childish but funny.
Blade Farting
Matrix Farting (this one made me cry)
Anyone else having problems loading yourtube at the mo? I'm getting really upset ..

EDIT: It works now.. I guess I panicked
i used to search for mpstly ballet stuff...when i did ballet, but now i like searching for martial arts and especially breaks
Some of the karate demos are very entertaining. This is some kata squad or other doing a long pre-arranged drill - it's like watching one of those 1980's kung-fu films where everyone throws rhythmical flurries of attacks at each other followed by a big pause for effect. It begs the question, why don't they pay these guys to do movies?!?! I've never seen a karate movie with half the showmanship that these dudes have! Even with a single fixed camera, it's better than any of Van Damme's fights.
Check these out:

very very good.
i use youtube for almost anything, trailers for movies/games, stupid home made comedy stuff, sometimes a few martial arts clips. It's a godsend! My most recent use of youtube was probably looking at the terry tate clips from reebok, very funny
Use it alot for any martial arts clips but I really like the offtopic BJJ/submision clips. Computer games clips are alos good then there are some random funny stuff like the "ask a ninja" videos so funny!
I like watching the Taekwondo videos. Then I read the comments of the people who claim it's not Taekwondo and that it's .
I knew you had good taste Tatsumaru from your post in video games section anyway as ninja say "I look forword to killing you soon" lol
russell peters is one of the most funniest comedians today! anyone who hasnt seen his shows should watch them!!
