Youtube Newbie here! HELP: How to upload an audio file as a video, for


New member
Sep 19, 2011
it to be uploaded in youtube? I have a movie maker, and I've tried making a movie out of the audio file, but I have no idea how to make a video with my audio file.
I uploaded my audio file onto youtube and it said that it failed to be converted to a video..

Can someone please give me a simple step by step guide as to how I can upload an audio file onto youtube.

Thank you so much!! :)
Thanks for your answer - but the thing is, I don't have a video, it's just an audio file (of my voice)...and I need to know how I can upload it to youtube..
You tube is a video site.

Find a nice photo that goes with the song, import it into Movie Maker and onto the Timeline/Storyboard. Drag your song onto the Music Track. Hover the cursor over the right edge of the photo until it turns into a double-headed arrow, click and drag the photo until it's as long as the song and release the mouse button. Now, Publish the video (or Save it as a movie if using Live Movie Maker) and upload this to YouTube.

You can find free photos on google by using the "Images" tab (or by typing in the URL box) or at any number of free photo sites. These are some of my favorite places to get free images.

Here is a listing of sites where you can upload just music/songs.
Okay here's a step guide mah friend:
1. Go log into your Youtube Account.
2. Click on the down arrow and click on Channel.
3.Where it says: [Your Name] on the left side (Not all the way) it says Browse, Movies, Upload.
You want to click upload.
4. Where it says: Upload Video, click on it (This is only for Uploading video NOT WEBCAM)
5. Go to the folder you recorded the video from and then place it there.
6. The rest is simple and understandable.

Hope this helped! Also send me a link of the video! :D