Your top 10 possessions


Apr 4, 2008
If you house burned down and you lost everything except your wallet what are the ten things you would save?

Mine are in no particular order:
-cast iron frying pan
-leather army boots
-ESEE junglas
-100% wool sweater
-my silver dollars
-my books (antique and modern)
-my antique radio
-the letter my father wrote to me before his death
-my fur hat
-my martial arts journal
THINGS Kuma, things. Not people. And yes I consider dogs people. Far more decent people than most humans in fact.
What else matters? Everything else is just material possessions and unimportant in the long run.
True but I value my guitar more than my computer but less than my cell phone. I started this more out of interest for people's values. You've certainly demonstrated one which I hold in high regard both in others and in myself.
In no particular order and at risk of looking materialistic:

1). Wedding Ring
2). iPad 2
3). Xbox 360
4). PS3
5). Wii
6). Complete collection of Liberty Meadows comic books
7). Copy of Daredevil #168 - First appearance of Elektra
8). Copy of Avengers Annual #10 - First appearance of Rogue
9). Wedding photos and video
10). A note my then girlfriend (now wife) wrote for me on a napkin.

To reiterate, not in any particular order...
I have two pieces of cut glass.

One given to my grandfather on his retirement, but my most prized possession is a piece given to me at a Jeet Kune Do class.

When my then instructor was off with depression I took all of his classes. At the christmas party I was presented with a piece of cut glass in a frame on a wooden base.

It reads, "From all at the Royal Tonbridge Wells Jeet Kune Do Academy, when it was dark you shone the light."

It has Bruce Lee's, Bob Breen's and my then instructors logo eched into it and absolutely cannot be replaced.

If ever I am down I take a look at it and it takes me back to good times.
1, My Papa's old pinky ring - that I wear on my thumb or forefinger
2, My Mundial hunting knife - Dad gave it to me over twenty years ago
3, My Buddhist Bible and a select few other books to help me adjust
4, My other grandfather's walking stick
5, The prayer beads the wife gave me when she came back from a retreat
6, A statue I have
7, My swords, though easily replaceable, I do like 'em
8, Running out of things now
9, A sleeping bag?

At least I'll be well armed, have somewhere to sleep, and something to help pass the time.

Of course, I'd actually have burned to death packing the wife's suitcases for her...
then how could you save anything if you already lost everything?

sorry I'm just being a cute ass hehehe x

Ok I'll be serious now.

My rents and my cat of course.

My laptop


my movie collection
My books
my music tapes
My magazines
My tv
dvd player
radio with tape and cd player
My little night lights
My karate belts and medals and gi
My photo albums (includes memory sticks with piccies on em)

Sorry, lol I couldnt stop at 10 things.
Record collection, books, wife ,dog, stereo, TV, wine collection , guitar, compound of the twins
My computer, as it has all of my pictures on it from the last 4 years. I should start keeping a backup hard drive buried in the back yard in case my house catches fire. Come to think of it, I could throw another one up a tree in case of major flooding.
My computer
My recording deck
A large piece of blue and green stone that has a really long name I don't remember
My ornamental dagger
My OTHER ornamental dagger
My polymer 3-bladed knife that I don't remotely need but keep on the wall because it looks badass (well, could be useful for, y'know, mauling a rapist one day )
My bass
My regular guitar
My dark lenses, because I have hypersensitive sight and need them to function
A piece of stained glass art I made once at a local college course