Your parents

stfu. you fail hard. you post something, then two post later you say your were joking, then you start contradicting yourself. gtfo and when you hit puberty comeback.

nah. dont come back.
not MY parents, but i was over at my friends house and we were all high and i walked past his parents room to get my piece, and i just hear the bed creaking, his dad grunting, and when i got close, they just stopped. like an hour later my friends went to play halo and they hear something that sounded like his dad getting blown and him was pretty awkward to be there...
That's nothing.....
When I was 15, had two really attractive female friends over and a few other friends form my baseball team. We were running around the house and one of the girls yelled... Aaron, calm down, we were just screwing around throwing darts around.

Dad yells upstairs. "It's not his fault, he's only 15 and just horny"

Everyone pauses.......... and laughs, to this day no one will ever forget that day. My parents are the freaking best, they always made life atleast funny.
My dad had some all out explanations of what he does in the bedroom with my stepmom. Pretty akward...
This is when I was 13, just getting into pr0n.

Me-Dad is porn bad?
Me-Ok thanks dad, where can you find it
Dad-On your compute just don't let your mom catch you.

My dad is so fucking cool about everything. This one wasn't that funny but my dad pwns.
there was only one or two sheets of paper left in the printer in the house and no extras. so my mom had to print an important document for work (bank) those two sheets came out with gay porn on them. no clue how it happened. definately wasnt me. but she had to print her stuff on the back of that. not really sure if she kept it like that but damn it was funny afterwards. not during though, i got my ass chewed out
This literally just happened..

Me- Look! An original thread in Small Talk! This is amazing. I've never seen this thread made before.
Mom- Shens.
Me- No, really. Look for yourself.
Mom- Your parents making you feel uncomfortable?
Me- Yeah, it's so funny and original.
Mom- STFU and GTFO n00b. It's old.
Me- *cries*
Mom- You're a bitch.

Even my Mom hates this and every other copy of this thread.
the first time. my ex gf met the rents... my mom brought out the naked baby pictures , whitch is already pretty akward. then lisa has a retarded blond moment, looks to me and says thank god its not that small anymore. mom looked at her and said excuse me, i dont want you talking about my son like that. and my mom looks at me and asked are we both having sex, and my retarded self says not right this second... mom gets off the couch and goes into the kitchen, my step dad looks at me and says god dam it, now im not getting any tonight, hope your fucking happy. the whole situation was never brought up ever again. the only time ive ever really been uncomfortable around my prental units.
when i was a youngin i was walking around the store with my mom. i saw the word dic on a bag of pen wrapper thing and i asked my mom what dic was. She was like, PENIS, wicked loud. it was awkard for me at the time, i was maybe 3 or 4