your favourite past time?


New member
Apr 12, 2008
My job is hectic, if i have spare time im training with friends or walking around.

I mean walking around early in the morning 1 to 4 am for no particular reason. Through parks, suburbs, train station. whatever.

untill, i think this is stupid then i go home.

So, how you spend your precious spare time?
When i'm not working or training i usually do the walking thing too, however i head down to the harbour front, and if theres no one around practice some forms or other stuff in the sand calming but gives your legs a good work out.
Thats coolo shikkari i wish i lived near the beech.

I dont really have one favorite. I like doing MAs, Gym, listening to music, acting like a dipstick with friends and i suppose MAP passes the time
When I'm not training or working I'm reading, writing, or biking. Actually now I have a project car, a '67 Bug so I guess that'll take some of my time as well.
I like to play the saxophone, hang out with friends, go get sushi, and I'm about to start weightlifting and swimming.

Mostly I just work and practice martial arts though.
When I don't train (and I normally train three times a week)I search online for jobs, spend time here on map looking at posts, read or talk to friends/family on the phone.

I work 6 hrs a day, scuba dive 2 hrs a day (except Monday) , then spend another 2 hrs practicing ma's. After that its the beach and or the club to watch the sun go down...
Whenever I am not studying, I will be busy looking for a pastime.
to be honest i need to get back on the ball with my tekken. i haven't played much these past weeks, my gf, school and class take up all my time
we all need to relax cos..working too hard can only kill you.

i have experience in death (well, blacking out). i blacked out for unknown hours, when i woke up in the morning my body was aching. and trust me, i did not see any white light as claimed by some ppl.

no, im not a junkie. for a period of time i was working 30 h straight plus training, no food, no water for long time. truly stoopid.
Another past time of mine is strange and off-the-wall thoughts. Like today, I was pulling my new-to-me Bug into the Harley dealership, and I thought that "My Bug is as American as Apple Pie".
what the?

i would say another past time of mine is to visit under arcade, i play alot of online games. Im current the richest member with 40000 points.
Well let's see how good you are at our Arcade then??? .... (you'll be pitted against many more members here though I'm afraid )