Your creative stuff


New member
Feb 17, 2008
OK, despite extensive use of the search function, I couldn't find the old thread, so I thought I'd start a new one.
Could we all post our art here? anything that isn't MA, basically. Drawing, painting, sculpture, digital art, whatever...

I'll get the ball rolling. Here's my latest load of drawings, from oldest to newest, showing the influence of a nice professional painter who's been giving me hints;

I couldn't photograph my latest sculptures, but here's an old one I haven't posted here:

so come on, let's see yours...
My creative stuff is restricted to decorating rooms and tricking cars out. Don't have the mind for art as such. I'm very jealous of you guys.
Got another one. As you can probably tell, I was a bit shaken up by this one.
I don't don't do much in the way of art any more. Kinda lost the patience for it really. I did do some stuff for some ideas I posted on Dells' IdeaStorm forum though. They're in my photo bucket Mostly just Gimped photos of Dell products. I also did some experiments with making glossy buttons for web pages.

I can't afford Photoshop, don't like to pirate stuff and hate using Windows. So I use The Gimp.

This is one of my personal favourites though.
Well apparently you've peeved off some penguins and they're coming for you. ... sorry
I sketch a bit and take pictures with my camera. Not great stuff, but not horrible stuff, I think.
i got back into digital art! yayzorz!
trying some stuff out mostly without reference, so it has a bit of fail, and i chickened out on the ears after i did the hair. next one will possibly be a bit better, if only because i'll probably reference the crap out of it
I had an afternoon off work today and, since it was rainy outside, I thought I try some more painting. It's a fairly 1980s looking lion
Next bit of creative stuff from me. For some reason I quite like this one. Not exactly photorealistic, but I think I got a decent sense of movement.
This is some of my photography but its about 3 years old.

I had some drawing from when my art work was good, but i lost the sketch book.
I had a graphic novel drawn in there that featured no characters, no close up views of people either, the only close ups were of body part. My art teacher thought it was a great concept.
It started with the reflection in someones eye of the golden gate bridge that was crumbling.
Unfortunately the only thing left from that sketchpad is a scan i made of a 5 minute sketch to save later (i turned it in stain glass painting which was quite cool but i left it behind when i moved).